Warwick’s rare bug that teleports him when using Q on Sion

Not a bug you see everyday in League of Legends.

Image via Riot Games

Sion has recently been involved for several unique bugs, and now he appears to have become a victim of another in an interaction with Warwick.

After taking out Sion and dealing with his death passive, a League player on Warwick discovered a glitch. Warwick was thrown into the enemy base to confront the resurrected Undead Juggernaut.

Warwick appears to have used his Q, Jaws of the Beast, just as Sion’s body was about to vanish. The Blood Hunter followed its path all the way back to the opponent’s base as a result. Instead of putting Warwick into the fountain, the game paused him on the upper side between the Nexus and inhibitor turrets.

Despite the player’s astonishment, they nearly got a second kill on the Sion from within the enemy base at level one, which would have been an incredible result.

Image via Riot Games

Right now, it appears that this bug’s limited usage implies that it will not be a widespread problem. However, earlier this month, gamers began to discover another problem affecting Sion when fighting an opponent Dr. Mundo. When Sion’s death passive is about to expire, he will resurrect on the place with full health if he is hit by Mundo’s Blunt Force Trauma.

There appear to be a few flaws afflicting Sion at the present, but Riot will most likely solve these in a forthcoming patch so the champion can resume his top-lane dominance.