What does the League of Legends community say winning 3 – 0 victory of SKT before KingZone?

I.Community on Reddit

1.Watch this game like PawN step by step pushed into solitary confinement and break his mind and go crazy in it.

2. And Teddy will be the finalist.

3. SKT and GRF, Goooo !!!

4. Faker auth game 3 to attack.

Hello Kingzone :)), I’m Teddy

5. Dog Bear is real :v :v :v

6. SKT is back to crush the dreams and hopes of all the teams that are hailed in the clouds.

7. I can see Griffin sweating cold after this game.

8. Decided to give the assassin to Faker in Game 3 200IQ of KkOma.

9. GRF: “Ok the final, again … I hope we don’t have to fight KT.”
– GRF: “Oh okay, they’re worried about relegation”
– SKT Mata: Hello guys :)))

II. Korean community

1 .Faker is better than playing the previous game ㅋㅋㅋ SKT Game 3 is very better !!

2. SKT’s power is off the table. But the Game 1 and 2 Kingzone are also good, even if they lose but really have to give praise to both teams. We hope to get a debt with China in the World Championship

3. Is Faker still this good ???

I’m Faker kkk :))

4. Congratulations SKT into the Finals. –

5. SKT catches Griffin and goes to MSI !!

6. Actually, I think MVP 3 is Mata … Mata 3 is really perfect

7. Who said Faler will not play good Akali at the beginning of the season ???

8. SKT is so good ~~ Defeat Griffin and champion ~

9. At the beginning of the season, who said Faker not play the Assassin. Have you seen enough eyes to see the 3rd game?

10. 1 attack 4 – saint Faker