What if League has Aghanim’s Scepter like DOTA2?

An enthusiastic fan decided to imagine the possibilities for an item like Aghanim’s Scepter in League of Legends.

If you are unfamiliar, Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard are extremely special items in DOTA 2. These items have the effect of providing additional upgrade effects for skills and even creating new abilities in some cases. These items not only increase pure stats, but they may also create totally new gameplay for specific champions.

One of the most popular items in DOTA2

The special of Aghanim’s Scepter, Aghanim’s Shard, has made DOTA 2 incredibly fascinating and has piqued the curiosity of LoL players as well. “What if League of Legends champions also enhanced their skills with Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard?” some have asked. And lately, a Reddit member named u/MarioToast responded to this topic with enthusiasm. His post on r/LeagueOfLegends has recently received over 10.6k upvotes and tons of comments from fans who are also excited about this “What if” scenario.

The introduction of his post, which was followed a very detailed post about each champion

Here are some of the most noticeable from the lengthy post, the full post can be found here.


Aatrox – Scepter: Deathbringer Stance empowers Aatrox’s next two attacks as well. The second attack has 100 increased range and roots the target for 0.75 seconds, and the third makes Aatrox leap a short distance to his target and deal bonus damage based on their missing health.

Shard: Umbral Dash can hold up to three charges.


Ahri – Scepter: Whenever Ahri casts a spell, she creates a single Fox-Fire flame. Fox-Fire flames deal increased damage.

Shard: Spirit Rush fires at the nearest five enemies. Increased Spirit Rush dash range. Spirit Rush can be recast one more time.


Akali – Scepter: After casting Perfect Execution, Akali gains a large amount of Attack Damage and Ability Power until she uses the second cast, or 10 seconds have passed.

Shard: For the first 1.25 seconds after cast, Twilight Shroud makes Akali undetectable by True Sight.

Akali used to have Full Invisibility on her W when she was first remaked.


Ekko – Scepter: When Timewinder expands it launches two more Timewinders perpendicular to the original, which return to Ekko half a second after the original. Enemies hit by multiple Timewinders take 50% damage from Timewinders beyond the first.

Shard: Phase Dive and Chronobreak can be reactivated within 2 seconds for Phase Dive or 8 seconds for Chronobreak to teleport Ekko back to the location he cast them.


Ezreal – Scepter: Mystic Shot is piercing. Only the first hit reduces his cooldowns.

Shard: Essence Flux is applied to all enemies in an area around the initial target.


Fizz – Scepter: If Trickster is not activated by the time Playful ends, the smallest shark from Chum The Waters will emerge from Fizz’s location.

Shard: Fizz gains increased movement speed while moving through units, and every 10 seconds he will dodge the next incoming champion basic attack.

Image via Riot Games


Irelia – Scepter: Vanguard’s Edge creates a second, larger spade-shape of blades around the first one. Each line of blades damage and disarm enemies separately. Grants Irelia 5 movement speed.

Shard: Each cast of Bladesurge grants a buff that increases the damage of Bladesurge, stacking up to three times.


Thresh – Scepter: The inside of The Box is filled with a dark miasma, damaging enemies over time based on Thresh’s Soul count.

Shard: Dark Passage can be reactivated while the lantern is out, knocking nearby enemies back and damaging them based on Thresh’s Soul count.


Tristana – Scepter: Basic attacks reduce the cooldown of Explosive Charge. Hitting an enemy with Rocket Jump reduces Rapid Fire’s cooldown.

Shard: After 0.75 seconds Tristana fires a basic attack at all enemies hit by Buster shot.

This used to be an April Fool joke from Riot Games


Yasuo – Scepter: Every other attack deals increased damage. Half of this damage is dealt as magical damage.

Shard: Wind Wall becomes five walls around Yasuo in a pentagonal shape.


Yone – Scepter: Every couple of seconds, taking damage grants Yone a temporary shield.

Shard: The clone left behind by Soul Unbound will automatically attack nearby enemies, and has longer attack range than Yone.


Viego – Scepter: Virgo gains adaptive force while possessing an enemy champion.

Shard: Enemies in the Harrowed Mist are attacked by spectres, damaging over time and gradually slowing them.

Image via Riot Games


Zed – Scepter: When Contempt for the Weak triggers, Zed shields himself for a percentage of his maximum health for 4 seconds.

Shard: Death Mark immediately spawns a Shadow at the target’s current location on cast. This Shadow lasts 6 seconds and cannot be teleported to.


Zoe – Scepter: Paddle Star can be redirected an additional time. Paddle Star can exist further from Zoe.

Shard: Zoe gains Summoner Spell Haste.

The preceding post by u/MarioToast drew a huge amount of attention from the League of Legends community when it was released. Because these are all fascinating upgrades that potentially unlock new gameplay for champions if Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard are available in League of Legends. For example, if Yasuo attacks inflict more magical damage, the ability to build AP items will become more possible.

Image via Riot Games

Of course, Riot will not bring Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard’s skill upgrading mechanics to League of Legends. If executed, this will be a massive endeavor with several dangers that might result in “equilibrium disasters.” No one knows what “crazy” update Riot workers will make to League of Legends if this game includes the aforementioned two things. So those really amazing enhancements are limited to the level of community suggestions.