What is going on with the new champions in League of Legends?

What is going on with the new champions in League of Legends?

The problem with new champions of League of Legends

The transitional period at the end of season 9 – the beginning of season 10 of League of Legends witnessed the explosion of Champions in LoL. Senna, Aphelios, Sett … all bring the community of players new and interesting experiences.

But perhaps, the speed of the work is a bit too fast, so these new babies are not born “balanced” very much. In the past, many gamers had doubts about the quality of the Champions in Riot development phase. Now, even famous gamers have acknowledged this.

Of course, not only Riot, but every gaming company wants to create special components to make them specific to their game. And the League of Legends development team is doing the same for the Champions in the game. However, sometimes these ideas go a bit too far…

The new Champions have recently been carrying with them extremely special mechanics. Senna is the League’s first Support and Marksman. Aphelios is the first Marksman to have five weapons, accompanied by a secondary weapon. Sett then makes players get used to the Right Hand and Left Hand…

These are all things that make these Champions interesting – but these also make them more difficult to get used to than their seniors. In the early days when the new generals arrived at the Arena of Justice, not only did gamers encounter many problems, but Riot themselves struggled to track and balance them.

Not only that, Riot seems to want to create many-in-one skills. It is easy to see this on the reworked champions, typically Akali and Aatrox. But the outcome, too much to add and then have to remove it. Akali removed the healing from Q. Aatrox has removed Armor in the passive…

And there are many other Champions who suffer similar situations …

Akali’s curse, when there is any imbalance or fluctuation in the game, we will nerf Akali to balance. -Riot-

Perhaps what Riot needs now is time. Seriously, their 200 years of game-balancing experience is somewhat meaningful. The proof is that Nunu and Warwick, after being reworked, have found a place in the League’s list of Junglers. Even Warwick’s win rate is still high during the preseason.

“Unsatisfactory speed”. Hopefully, Riot will not be too greedy to progress but “destroy” themselves. The gaming community is also very much looking forward to the team making the game better in the next updates, with new generals – especially Volibear and Fiddlesticks, so they don’t turn into “Big fat bear” or “Useless scarecrow” getting rejected in the League of Legends.