What is the best Summoner Spell for Top lane?

Ever since the birth of League of Legends, Flash has always been the most popular summoner spell across the game and it can be considered to be griefing if not use Flash. Since Flash is the compulsory summoner spell choice, choosing the appropriate secondary may be too difficult with so many to select from, especially for Top laners.

Ignite and Teleport are currently the most used spell for Top laner, both have its own advantages and disadvantages throughout the game. Ignite is extremely useful on some champions that can snowball/split push for the entirety of the game, and Teleport is helpful for gaining advantages in team fights. So, in today’s meta, which is the better option?

Ignite or Teleport? Which is the better Summoner Spell for Top lane?

Understanding the use of Ignite and Teleport while selecting which summoner spell to pair with Flash (or Ghost) might be challenging. It all depends on the playstyle of the individual player, the team comp, and the champion selected.

Talking Ignite is usually more effective when it comes to laning phase. You can snowball and bully the opponent easily, and have a higher chance of winning a solo-kill.

Facing up against heavy opponents, such as Dr. Mundo or Irelia, whose healing ability is rather annoying, can be punished just by taking Ignite. Though, having Ignite can sacrifice a lot of the mobility of a Top laner as you cannot roam around and assist in team fights with Teleport.

On the other hand, a team’s ability to teleport can be the difference between winning a fight and gaining advantages. While Ignite is beneficial in some situations and may snowball top laners, Teleport provides a lot more for the team. Playing around objectives and winning team fights is usually more important than gaining self laning phase advantages.

5 Teleport were used in a game between HLE and T1

That’s why in some high elo games, or even in competitive tournaments, pro players, both top laners and mid laners, and even ADC usually takes Teleport as their secondary summoner spell in order to assist their team mates in some cases. While low elo players prefer to bring Ignite because they can’t play around objectives, they have bad map awareness and can only focus on pushing their lane.