What made Camille become the Top King with an impressive win rate?

Camille seems to be more powerful than her “colleagues” this patch…

What made Camille become the Top King?

Camille is an extremely special case as she hasn’t received any buffs for recent patches but surprisingly, she has been a dominator on top lane lately and this stuff will probably continue as she doesn’t receive any nerfs in patch 10.17. She has an incredibly strong ability to trade without losing too much HP due to her passive – Adaptive Defenses. With her passive, you can trade with nearly every champion within making sure that your HP is enough to continue to stay in your lane.

Camille is having the highest pick rate among top laners used in Platinum+ matches, according to op.gg

Beside her passive, her Q – Precision Protocol provides her with an impressive amount of true damage, which makes Camille extremely frightening in trades as well as team fights, especially late-game ones as it allows her to ignore tankers’ armor and deal loads of damage. The longer the match lasts, the more powerful Camille becomes. Once she has Trinity Force, her split pushes will become incredibly terrifying.

Thanks to her R – The Hextech Ultimatum, she can easily isolate the enemy team’s carry and completely break them up! Camille is a semi-tank champion, so you will definitely need some defensive items to be alive much longer in order to deal as much damage as you can. She also has a wide range of roles in team fights, such as Brawler – her original role, Tanker or even Assassin!!!

Do not disregard Camille’s damage or you will lose the match without regretting

However, Camille is only powerful if she is used by pro players. Why? That’s because casual players can’t handle with her skills well, especially her Q. If you can’t stay calm and lose your Q2’s true damage, your pressure will be decreased a lot. So if you want to master using her, you will have to practice really hard in timing her Q.

Using her Q correctly is not so easy for casual players

What runes for Camille?

Next, her runes are much different from the past. Instead of Conqueror, pro players now use Grasp of the Undying much more often so as to expand her amount of maximum HP. Camille players usually don’t purchase defensive items early, so additional HP from this rune is incredibly essential. The next rune advised for you is Shield Bash, which strengthens her first auto after passive is activated.

If you really don’t know, the more HP you have, the larger the amount of shield provided by her passive as well as the amount of damage from Shield Bash will become, while Grasp of the Undying gives you additional HP. All in all, the more stacks of this rune you have, the stronger Camille will be.

One of the best runes for Camille

What should you build for Camille?

Now we will come to her items. Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra are the two most essential items for Camille as they provide her with damage, lifesteal, great pushing and CD. Then you can consider buying semi-tank items like Death’s Dance, Guardian Angel or Sterak’s Gage so as to be quite tanky in team fights.

Pro guide for Camille

Basically, Camille is an extremely OP champion, especially in soloqs due to her strong laning phase and steady power. You will find it quite difficult playing her at the outset, but once you get used to her, she will be a wonderful choice for top lane and help you to improve your elo efficiently.