What Made Hecarim Become a King of Jungle in Patch 10.16 with an Incredibly 54 Percent Win Rate?

Hecarim’s current win rate is abnormally high after the release of patch 10.16.

Hecarim is considered an immensely well-balanced champion in the past 5 versions, with a 50 percent win rate with outstanding stats. In 10.16, however, everything changed dramatically with both the win rate as well as the ban/pick rate. According to many statistical sites, Hecarim is the strongest jungler in the current meta, so what is the reason for this breakthrough?

Hecarim placed top 1 in the jungle position with 53.41 percent win rate on U.gg
Even Lolalytics also ranks Hecarim as S+ tier Jungle Champion.

Particularly, patch 10.16, Riot Games had a slight power boost that had an immense effect on his (E) Devastating Charge which increased the bonus movement speed to 100 percent. In addition to a bonus speed boost that enhances Hecarim’s gank and engages potential, the extra movement speed procs his passive ability to increase explosive impact damage.

The strength of Hecarim was tremendously boosted with just one slight buffed

Furthermore, Hecarim is also favored since Ghost, Hecarim’s most important summoner spell is buffeted in the direction of the more enemies killed, the longer the speed is sustained. This will strengthen his long-term damage, not just for burst damage. Integrated with the current common gameplay such as Ghost or Conquerer, which in a long fight frequently raises his annoying ability.

Predator is a perfect option if you don’t want to use those runes mentioned and like fast gameplay. Even this keystone has been significantly buffed by Riot Games since patch 10.12, with the elimination of channeling, the reduction in cooldown has rendered this rune incredibly powerful.

Hecarim is indeed excessively favored overall. Moreover, his ability to split the opponent team and the extremely good snowball allow him to spread in SoloQ as well.

If enemy damage is huge, you can use defensive items to counter it. There are effective resistance items if they have lots of CCs, however, high movement speed is very hard to counter. Not to mention the ultimate Onslaught of Shadows that has “dissolving the crowd” very strong and confuses the enemy team. Hecarim can easily take advantage of this and break the enemy’s defense efforts.

Hecarim’s speed was so great that the opponent could not realize what was going on.

The current meta is dominated sooner or later by Hecarim with such a champion who is ideal for SoloQ and matching runes are constantly buffed. It is likely that he will dominate the playoff meta with the aforementioned powerful buffs, and the upcoming Worlds as well.