What should players who played Assassin in League of Legends do to not become “useless” in late game?

What Assassin should do in late game

Assassin is one of the favorite roles of LOL players. All-in, unleashing all the skills to kill the opponent’s carry in an instant and then drawing out like a breeze – that’s how these silent killers shine on the battlefield.

However, it was in early game, when the Marksmen and Mages were relatively fragile. As the game progressed towards the end and Players began to buy endurance items, Assassin’s ability to blow away enemies greatly decreased. Even many people who haven’t done anything all suddenly evaporated.

Especially when meeting Zhonya Hourglass “freak”, i just want to smash the keyboard 🙁

At this point, assassins need to remember a principle of principles to be able to maintain their position in the team: Divide and conquer.

– Split pushing: Early game powerfully makes you quickly become an obsession of enemies anywhere. Take advantage of this to divide the pressure across the map. Split pushing at a few times will cause the opponent to quickly lose direction.

– Kill fragile enemies: Of course, Assassin are meant to do that. And for the late game, continue to do so, with the stumbling children wandering on the lanes hoping to farm creeps or revenge on you, not in teamfights.

– Clean up: Your task is not to open a teamfight. Leave it to the Tankers. In the meantime, wait for the important targets to remain low and then finish them off. Don’t worry about someone telling you “Kill stealing”, because the main goal of the game is to defeat the enemy, not splitting the kills.

If you do this, there is a high chance that the advantage will be in your team’s reach, and you will certainly still receive a lot of Honor when the game is over, whether you fall in a teamfight or not.
I wish the Assassins will have satisfactory matches and win many convincing victories with the above small principle.