When to RECALL in League of Legend

Nowadays, many players only recall when they are low on HP or mana. This is extremely careless because you might miss a lot of opportunities such as minion waves or objectives or even you might end up giving the enemy advantages to win the lane. Today we will discuss about when to RECALL so that you can understand how it works and make use of it. 

First 5 minutes, the 8th wave. 

This is a wonderful time to recall and buy some items that will help you win the lane, even when you are not low on HP or Mana. Usually, if you are good at farming and laning, you would have 1300 gold or more. With this amount of gold, you can buy a B.F SwordLost Chapter or Phage. Depend on your lane, you could choose some combo like Tear of the Goddess + Amplifying Tome, or Hextex Revolver + Refillable Potion + Control Ward. To sum up, the sooner you get items, the higher chances of winning the lane you will have. 

Recall during Siege Minion wave. 

The reason for this is that Siege Minion can tank better than others. A Siege Minion can take in damage of 7 or 8 shots from tower, so if the enemy siege gets to your tower, you still have time to recall, buy items and get back to the lane without losing too much experience and gold. A simple tip is that you hit the recall button right after the wave with Siege Minion goes pass the tower nearest to you. 

Recall if there is a sign of combat. 

If you think there might be a combat in the jungle or in other lanes, or your teammate is requesting for a gank, you should immediately Recall and get there to help your teammates (the trick might be performed better with Teleport). Ignoring some profit on your lane and participating in a combat with your teammates is better than keep staying in your own lane. Gold and Experience you earn in small combats will make a big difference to the game. Co-operate with your teammate is the key to win.  

(4 versus 1? Yeah that should be a big win with huge gold diffrence) 

Some side factors you should notice 

“Passive” here can be used for both the champion and the player’s skill. If the enemy is struggling with you, you should Recall more often to extend the gap between you and the enemy. 

If you can request your teammate to defend the tower while you are recalling, you can still hold your minion wave position. So that, be friendly to your Jungler, you will not know when he/she can save your game.