ADC Is Currently the Worst Role in League of Legends?

FNC ADC Rekkles: “I would rather see [Riot] rework AD carries than release newer ones”. Fnatic’s superstar compared older ADCs with the “new” marksmen generation.

In Twitch Livestream today, League of Legends Worlds finalist and former EU LCS champion Rekkles voiced his opinion regarding the latest AD carry releases.

“I would rather see [Riot] rework AD carries than release newer ones,” the Fnatic ADC said. “It’s just gonna happen [like] what happened with Aphelios and Senna, where older ones are so outdated that they’re not playable anymore, and the newer ones are so [fresh] that they will always be picked…If I could play Vayne every game I would love it.”

He later continued to admit that while older ADCs have interesting kits, they’re simply no match for the latest released skill sets. Rekkles gave Jhin as an example, saying that although this marksman has an “insane” and unique kit, the Fnatic AD carry believes that playing Jhin “just doesn’t feel like playing League of Legends in 2020.”

Riot Games used to have some limits on released kits in the past, but their latest releases consist of Sett, Senna, and Aphelios seem to have overcame that. The old champions feel like a blast into the past since they cannot withstand the unique designs of the newer ones.

While reworks will diminish the enjoyment for a certain number of player who loves to play only that champion, they are needed to bring back certain champions who’ve fallen out of both pro play and meta in the recent years. Not all reworks are successful, but having an understanding about what makes a champion fun and enjoyable since then, interactive and building upon that is a good start for future reworks.

Sneaky thinks latest marksmen and ADC buffs make no difference

Former C9 AD carry Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi is not completely sold on the latest buffs for marksmen that came through with LoL patch 10.11.

The streamer and extraordinary cosplayer – Sneaky, had some thoughts about the buffs in patch 10.11 that whether these changes would make a big difference for marksmen or not. Solo queue players have been constantly complaining about the terrible state of marksmen since the offseason when Riot Games changed the XP distribution to give less experience given to duo lane champions. To ease up the impact of XP and level disparity, Riot then gave marksmen additional health, health growth, and increased mobility through items. The goal is to give marksmen more tools so that they can survive in lane even when they don’t have a support by their side.

Sneaky wants to give these changes time to take hold, but thus far, he remains unsold.

“Nobody is qualified to say anything about the changes, just yet,” Sneaky said on stream. He then went on to clarify that so far, the game doesn’t feel any different for marksmen.

Sneaky struggles in solo queue

Sneaky took time to break down the situation and explain the struggle he’s been facing in solo queue. Sneaky made example of a match that he had just finished as Jhin. In the match, Sneaky had 15 kills, 10 assists, and only one death. Sneaky completed four items and had 40 more CS than the enemy mid laner, Kassadin. That Kassadin had only two kills and four assists. 

In an ensuing one versus one confrontation between the two champions, Sneaky came out victorious, but it was by the skin of his teeth and only because a teammate interfered on his behalf.

“When I got a billion kills and the other guy is feeding his brain out, I should be able to kill the other guy. The only way I can take them over is by not killing myself, that’s the best I can do,” Sneaky said. “Try my hardest not to run into the enemy, disengage all combats, and hope that the enemy team will engage on someone else on my team.”

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This is the issue that most ADC players have to face with in solo queue. Even if they’re far ahead of their opponents, it’s still impossible for them to take over the game. On top of that, the ADC role has the most expensive build path in the game. Where a solo laner might need 6,900 gold to complete three core items, a marksman needs at least 7,800. That’s a 900 gold difference.

Riot claims that they are following the current situation, so more buffs for marksmen might be on the way very soon.