Your Personality Will Tell You Which Role Fits You the Best in League of Legends

Have you ever wondered which role would fit your personality the best? Every position in the game has a different role that only some personality could master that role.

Jungler Role

God Fist Lee Sin

As a jungle, you have the biggest responsibility in the game. You always have to pay attention at all the lanes including Top, Mid, Bottom, and Jungle from both sides.

To be able to play as a good jungler, you should be a good team-player; someone who might be sociable, enthusiastic, and always willing to help others.

About 75-80% of the time, you can tell if you are going to win or lose just by comparing your jungler to the opponent jungler. Having a good jungler will benefit you a lot early and throughout the game. They do not only help you with gankings, but also taking objectives.

AD-Carry (ADC)

Archlight Vayne

If you are a person who has restraint and patience, ADC will be a great fit for you. To be able to play as an ADC, you have to be really patient farming every single minions until you hit a certain level or have enough golds for items.

Not only being patient in farming, but also in team fights. Sometimes you will have to be patient in trading early game. Some champions are designed to be weaker than others in the early game, and some are weaker than others late game.

Also, you will not have luck all the time to match with the best supporters. Being patient to the support is something that not every player can do.

Mid Laner

Mid lane is always the role that are many League players’ favorite. However, to be able to become a Godlike Mid laner like Faker, it would somewhat depend on your personality.

Mid Lane players tend to be really creative, patience, and hard-working. Being creative as a mid laner equals to making creative plays and successful roamings. Similar to the role of an ADC, Mid laners also have to be just as patient.

Some mid champions are weaker than others before level 2, 3, or 6. If you play those champions, being patient during early game or until you have a level/gank advantage is one of the most important things to do as a mid laner.


This role in League of Legends must be the role that has players with different personalities. As you see, there are two kinds of support players: one who play enchanters and engagers for this role, and the other is Lux hard carry/ poke support who deals a great amount of damage.

The true support player are those who always pay attention at the map every minute, who would willing to sacrificed for their ADC, and know when to give his teammates kills.

Hard-carry/poke supports tend to take full damage runes/masteries, some eventually K.S. ADC’s or other teammates’ kill without mercy.

Therefore, to be able to become a true supporter, you tend to be really: sociable, cheerful, condescend, considerate, and on top of all, you know when it is time to sacrifice yourself for others.

Top Laner

We can see Top Laners tend to be players who are really aggressive, strong, and assertive. These players know how to solo in their lane, and know when to TP to help teammates or to take objectives.

Top laners’ attitude will affect the rest of the game. Not saying that other lanes do not have effects. However, if you win your lane as a top laner; you do not only have the advantage of objectives for your team but also pressure the other team’s top lane.

Which role do main and which role do you think you fit the best? Let us know in the comments!

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