Wild Rift: 4 things needs to improve to become Esports

These are also what players have been expected from League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Wild Rift had recently expanded its open beta to European countries and has received positive feedbacks from players.

One biggest advantages of Wild Rift are shorter game duration, faster gameplay compare to its original version, which means you can play the game anytime, anywhere. However, these are 4 changes the game needs to imply before it can become an international Esports title.

Role selection

Currently, the game ranked mode haven’t included role selection yet. This lead to misunderstandings and uncomfortable situations when players are not allowed to play their favorite champions or positions in their matches.

Moreover, Riot needs to separate the solo rank queue from the 5v5 or flex queue just like its PC version to create a better diversion in ranked mode. While role selection was confirmed to be added early next year, there hasn’t any information about the rank queues yet.

Champions, Runes and Items

As Wild Rift is now still in Open Beta, a lot of contents haven’t been released yet. The addition of more champions to the game will increase the variety of the matches as well as making the game more competitive with more counters picks and bans mode.

Image via Riot Games

Currently, the game features 47 items, more than 40 champions, and 9 rune pages which lead to a very predictive meta, which later makes the gameplay kinda boring over time.

Different from League of Legends

To last longer as an Esport title, Wild Rift need to be more distinctive from League of Legends.

In order to do this, Riot needs to make more unique mechanics, items, or champions in Wild Rift. In a recent interview, they announced that they are going to bring the Elemental system of League of Legends into Wild Rift, which leads to non-creative gameplay on both games. Riot will need to make two games distinctive from each other, otherwise, as the game going on, players will eventually shift their attention back to League of Legends only.