Wild Rift: AP Support Miss Fortune, why not?

Tired of traditional support champions, but don’t want to bring Zed or Yasuo down to get pinged “?” constantly, try Miss Fortune SP in your next Wild Rift match.

Wild Rift is not a new game, but what it brings is never old. After Support Ashe, support Miss Fortune is also one of the off-meta but very effective picks.

Support Miss Fortune is built on the slow and long-range poke from “Make It Rain”, along with a set of moves that add both physical damage and ability power to make her even have ability damage, she still has a lot of damage output.

Credit: Mikew Gaming


“Font of life” is a guide for Miss Fortune to support, simply because it gives the ADC the ability to heal and is insurance to avoid ping “?” rain when in battle.

“Weakness”, “Loyalty” and “Sweet Tooth” are the most suitable points from Minor for Miss Fortune in the support position.


Miss Fortune support will build ability power to maximize the discomfort from “Make It Rain”. Her core items are the “Rylai’s Crystal Scepter” and “Liandry’s Torment”. The slow from the Make It Rain is greatly amplified when stacked with “Rylai’s Crystal Scepter”.

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter và Liandry’s Torment are core items for support Miss Fortune

The burning effect from “Liandry’s Torment” also doubles on enemies that are tied or slowed. With Support Miss Fortune, “Weakness” will make the amount of burning damage even more annoying.

Remember to build “Tear of the Goddess” early for Miss Fortune to accumulate numbers gradually. When upgrading, choose “Archangel’s Staff”. The amount of bonus ability power and the ability to create a shield help a lot for her fragile champion.

Upgrade to the “Ionian Boots of Lucidity” for extra cooldown and then upgrade to Redeeming Enchant for more healing for the whole team. The remaining item can be Protector’s Vow to help the ADC and the “Morellonomicon” if the opponent has a strong recovery. The amount of armor from Protector’s Vow is increased by ability power, so it is very suitable for Miss Fortune. Meanwhile, the amount of burning damage from Liandry’s Torment will also greatly prolong the healing reduction effect from “Morellonomicon”.

In general, with Support Miss Fortune, build everything that affects enemies and is useful to allies. Don’t buy items like the “Rabadon’s Deathcap” or “Void Staff” because you’re definitely not the main source of damage. Let the damage to the ADC, and you just need to poke enemies.

Image via Riot Games


Both the 1st move “Double Up”, the 3rd “Make It Rain” and the ultimate “Bullet Time” increase damage both according to physical damage and ability power, so don’t underestimate Miss Fortune’s damage aid. Make the most of the first Rain of Bullets because this is her most annoying move with the ability to slow and output ability damage.

Poking with “Make It Rain” that annoys the enemy is the only thing Miss Fortune needs to do in the beginning phase. Things get a little harder when she has her ultimate “Bullet Time”. Although it is not as painful as when it comes to pure physical damage, the power of the ultimate that makes “The Bounty Hunter” nickname is still undisputed.

As mentioned above, Miss Fortune’s skills are increased by ability power, so if her enemy gets all the “Bullet Time”, surely any enemy’s HP of the pirate girl will be very low immediately. So choose a good position to be able to use “Bullet Time” to hit as many enemies as possible.
Support Miss Fortune is an extremely interesting and effective choice, especially when facing enemies with a short range. Try and feel, this pirate girl will surely make her opponents cry because of her discomfort.