League of Legends: Will Love be the foundation of the Appearance of the Next New Champions?

League of Legends’ history will continue to be dragged on unstoppably!

For League of Legends, storyline and anecdotes about Champions is the most magically attractive and stimulative for gamers’ curiousity.

Having realized that truth, Riot Games has continuously developed more storylines and exploited many completely new races like the Vastaya, or the lost civilization of Ixaocan, in the storyline of Qiyana.

However, is that enough? Of course not! Riot Games’ Runeterra history will continue to expand with descendants of legendary Champions!

The most typical example is Kai’sa – Daughter of the Void, she’s completely a daughter of The Void Walker – Kassadin. This father-daughter relationship is just woolly revealed in the storyline of Kai’sa.

So, after the appearance of Kassadin’s daughter, which is the next possible descendants in League of Legends?

Xayah and Rakan

Xayah and Rakan is the most remarkable case while this Vastaya couple was introduced by Riot Games as a sweet spouse since the debut (if we don’t mention that iG pick the skin for Rakan between a line of beautiful girls)

However, because of the short time of their appearance, having a baby now seems so early!

How about having a cute cat instead of…

Especially with the occurrence of the new race – Vastaya, this is a big chance for the publisher to come up with a whole new branch of Champions, not just a happy family.

A child of an ADC and a support could be a long-range supportive Jungler like Kindred?

Garen and Katarina

That sounds incredible, as two of them come from two opposite countries, which is compared to fire and water, Demacia and Noxus! Nevertheless, this is the point for a lamentable love story like Romeo and Juliet!

Both admire each other and meet several times in the battles, and even then stick together like glue, so it could be a big mistake if Riot Games won’t develop their descedants.

No one knows, that maybe, the child of Garen and Katarina will be the antidote for the hatred between to family Crownguard and Du Couteau?

Tryndamere and Ashe

Tryndamere and Ashe is the first case having marriage-contract by Riot Games, especially this is a political marriage when Ashe and Tryndamere will live together for a whole life by Bloody Swear.

Having the marriage certificate, and principally both are leader of warlike clan, having a special baby together is just early or late.

As you see, babies usually have the familiar and similar point for their own name such as the case of Kai’sa, Kassadin’s daughter. So maybe Aphelios is the son of Ashe according to Voyboy’s unintentional revelation.

Aphelios is a very mobile ADC with many weapon options he has from his parents.

Wukong and Ahri

Like Xayah and Rakan, loveline between Wukong and Ahri has been revealed for a long time by the game publisher, and has just recently flicked like Garen and Katarina.

In the old storyline, Ahri crazily loves eating human soul and Wukong is just a strong Monkey King, but all has been changed when they were named into Vastaya race!

This couple is so beautiful, however the chance to come out is still low and unclear!

Wait to see what will happen next in the big universe of League of Legends, will love can start and ease all the pain?

More about Vastaya – League of Legends : https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/race/vastaya/

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