Will Riot Games launch another Yordle in the future?

League of Legends players are looking forward to having even more cuteness on Summoner’s Rift. They want Riot to introduce a new yordle champion for Summoner’s Rift soon.

Will Riot Games launch another Yordle in the future?

The lovely little champions of League of Legends – the Yordle – are the bright spots that make the Summoner’s Rift extremely interesting. Pure, simple, but incredibly beneficial – that’s what people immediately think of when they mention these names.

Currently, League of Legends has a total of 14 yordle champions: of which Teemo is the most old name and Kled is the most new (but looks the oldest among the yordle champions). Since the release of the last yorlde champion – 2016, Riot has not had any further information about a beautiful little name from the Bandle city.

Although Yuumi is also a much more modest creature than other champions, as well as non-human champions, Yuumi do not have anything like a yordle. It was just another normal cat like any other cat; even the pet of another yordle who has the ability to transform: Nora.

It can be said that the biggest reason why Riot is not so popular with this type of champion is because they are not human. Despite possessing magical abilities, they are still quite alien to the complicated human world. Holding a champion who is in the game makes it easier for gamers to feel familiar and inspired. And to attract players attached to the Summoner’s Rift, Riot will definitely prioritize that.

However, this does not mean that the League community completely hates yordle. There is still a part of the player who wants Riot to create some interesting champion in the form of a small creature. That certainly not only makes the Summoner’s Rift more adorable, but also fairer.

Recently, in addition to having more information about Fiddlesticks and Volibear remake, the League of Legends community has not seen a signal from Riot Games about a new champion in 2020. The final information Reav3’s latest Champion Roadmap (October 2019) only talks about weird jungler champion and a solo champion capable of carrying the team”.

In the Riot Dev video of the early 2020 season, the concept image of a deformed champion was also revealed – but it didn’t look like a yorlde, because it had mechanical arms on it. But no one could have predicted – maybe it was just a machine controlled by a yordle?

Although Riot is focusing heavily on story building: the evidence that Senna has returned in the unjust battle between Lucian and Thresh – that is, we can hope for a champions who is involved in The story in the game, which we can confirm temporarily, is that the next two champions will definitely not have Yuumi’s owner, unlike what which Reav3 has revealed.

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Will Riot take players to a deep corner of Bandle City, where there is a tropical jungle and introduce us to a certain yordle champion? Or all we can do in the present is to wait and anticipate the next moves of the Riot Games?

Via: Expgg