Will Riot Games never release Tanker champion?

Release Tanker champion – Riot Games has launched new ADCs, Supporters, Mages, Juggernaut in the last 2 years, but there’s no new Tanker any.

Will Riot Games never release Tanker champion?

The last Tank champion of League of Legends, Ornn, has been launched since August 23, 2017, which means we haven’t had any new tank champions for more than 2 years. This is extremely unreasonable when the Assassins, ADC, Juggernaut are constantly launched and an important class of champions like Tanker has not been created.

The characteristics of Tank champions are that there is not much damage, so they are given the ability to control strong fights or recover, defensive to create influence in the game. However, this is being taken to other classes by Riot Games and it is no longer a feature of tank champions.

release Tanker champion

If before, when it comes to wide range control or teamfighting, you will immediately remember the Malphite or the Amumu, Zac with his skill set. The ability to intervene in the whole map is Shen’s, Dr. Mundo with healing abilities, they are all pure tanks and have a tool to affect the match without damaging.

However, when other new champions have different abilities to initiate teamfights, healing, and the over-spread of Teleport, the characteristics of tank champions are gone. Riot Games does not need to create more resisting champions when a series of League of Legends players both have stronger damage, both have the ability to control or equivalent to the Tanker already.

Another point makes Riot Games very few new tanker launch because it is very difficult to make money from them. Just look at Ornn, this champion used to be very hot but there is only two outfit since debuting and most likely in the long run there will be no new skin. The image is somewhat bulky or scary and it is difficult to design costumes for them compared to the female champions or Juggernaut.

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Given the current state of the game, it will be a long time before we can own the next tanker, in case the new Volibear is reworked in the Juggernaut direction. Knowing that this class of characters is not too attractive for players and does not make much money, but they create a real tactical depth for League of Legends, maybe the time for Riot Games to consider creating a new pure tank champion already.