New World Record for fastest Dragon kill ever in League of Legends

In League of Legends, you and your four teammates must play together to win the lane, complete objectives, and eventually, take down the enemy’s Nexus to win the game.

The key objectives in the game, the Dragon and Baron Nashor, are two of the most important objectives for teams to compete for. Dragon buffs in general can help winning teams maintain advantages and snowball the game, or they can use their buffs to help a losing team make a spectacular return.

The issue is that killing the Dragon takes time, allowing the opposing team to initiate a team fight or even steal the buffs at ease.

League of Legends: World record for fastest Dragon kill

However, this was not the case for these 5 players, as they have established a staggering 0.485 seconds Dragon kill. ByShoTx, a League player, shared a video on Reddit of their team working together to kill the Dragon in 0.485 seconds, breaking the previous record.

Champions such as Sion, Nunu, Jhin, and Syndra gather around the dragon just before it hatches and kill it. Sion’s completely charged Q + W, Jhin’s 4th shot + a slew of traps set off by Syndra’s scuttler, Udyr’s empowered Q, Nunu Q. All 5 players happen to have Smite as well. They are all around level four and appear to have totally abandoned their paths to achieve the record.

Images via Riot Games

Funny enough, only a few days later, another League team was able to slay the Dragon in 0.478 seconds, according to data site League of Graphs. They did, however, have a similar team comp, with the new leading team selecting Sion, Syndra, Volibear, Jhin, and Varus.

More teams seem to be competing for the quickest Dragon kill in the last month, making League of Legends a well-established and enjoyable community.