Worlds 2020 Top Highest Influential Champions in Play-In

With Worlds 2020, Riot’s aim is to maintain a healthy champion pool without any must pick-ban champions. But still, there are some champions that are highly used by professional players around the world.

Before we come to the Main Event, the Group Stage, 10 teams from around the world placing 3rd to 4th in multiple famous tournaments will compete to have a slot into the Main Event. All the teams that are already in the Main Event have a higher advantage because they have more time and more samples of how Patch 10.19 (the official Patch of Worlds 2020) will play out. These are 5 champions from every single lane that are effectively used in the Play-In.

Top: Ornn

Talking about Tanky options on Top Lane, Ornn has always been a name that every team uses. With early-game high damage capability, upgradable items, and game-breaking Ultimate, Ornn is considered strong at every point of the game. With a record of 10 Win – 1 Lose, it’s enough to prove how powerful Ornn is. At the end of Play-In, Ornn had the ban-pick ratio up to 87%, for every match he involved, he scored a 10.4 KDA, the highest KDA champions up until Group Stage.

Jungle: Lillia

With crazy expectations from a lot of pro players and casters around the world that Lillia will completely change the Jungle Meta in Worlds 2020, her result is quite disappointing. She has a ban/pick ratio of 87%, sometimes it even becomes 95%. Despite her extremely mobility kit and strong late-game scale potential, her win-rate only fluctuates between 16 – 31%.

When the Main Event starts, a lot of players may use her as a powerful Jungle picks, one of her highlights was in the match between Suning and LGD (Match 3) to compete for a slot in Worlds 2020.

Mid: Orianna

Despite the domination of Assasins in Solo/Flex Ranked, Mage is still one of the most reliable choices when we view the competitive scenes. With a ban/pick ratio of 87% and scores 10 out of 11 matches in Play-In, Orianna can be considered the strongest Mage Champion at this point. The other 2 worth-mentioning champions are Syndra and Twisted Fate are also some famous pick in Play-In. As long as Orianna can scale, she will be a great threat to any teams she is facing.

ADC: Senna

Since her official release (November 2019), Senna has always involved a lot in competitive play. She was even received a “Pro – Targeted” nerf just before Worlds 2020 begins.

Sadly, she only reaches 47% win-rate after 15 matches. Both Senna and Lillia are 2 special champions that are highly graded by the community but don’t perform that well when come to real life.

Support: Leona

One of the oldest tanks in League of Legends is back in Worlds 2020. Leona fastly becomes one of the best picks in the scenario in which Bard and Nautilus are often banned. With 18 pick times, Leona is the most chosen support champions right now. Despite reaching only a 50% win-rate, this is not a bad statistic for a Support. With the rise of Rakan and Alistar, Leona still has the ability to initiate extremely well.