Worlds 2020: Pro player hilariously teleported right at his feet during fight

The opening match of Worlds 2020 witnessed the unbelievable moment of a professional player mis-teleported and lost his prey. How did it happen? Well, let’s watch it right now with Notagamer!

INTZ Tay’s terrible mistake

On September 25, Worlds 2020 officially kicked off. The opening of the play-in series is a match between MAD Lions (seed No.4 of LEC) and INTZ (seed No.1 of Brazil). As it’s the biggest tournament of the year, fans are always waiting for the awesome highlights and memorable moments. Despite the professional environment with well-trained players, the first remarkable moment of Worlds 2020 is INTZ’s awkwardly ill-performed play.

After 7 minutes, Evelynn ganked Urgot. Her gank was failed when Urgot flashed towards his turret to escape. Immediately, Gragas appeared, threatening to countergank the MAD’s top-laner and jungler. Urgot then used his “R” – Fear Beyond Death perfectly, making Evelynn unable to escape. INTZ’s damage calculation was perfect.

Tay mis-teleported during fight

But instead of re-activating his ultimate to finish off Evelynn, Tay mistakenly pressed “F” – Teleport into the control ward that Gragas had placed seconds ago. Evelynn successfully escaped, INTZ had to go home with bare hands. It was probably a performance that MAD and the audiences could not believe their eyes.

Urgot’s mistake caused him to lose his first blood and even his teleport but it didn’t bring back any advantage to him or his team. From that moment, Renekton was ahead of the Urgot when he still had his teleport. Undoubtedly, Tay’s performance will be mentioned a lot in the future.