Worlds 2021 preparation patches: more champion and meta balancing from Riot

Riot Games aimed at creating more playstyle diversity options instead of having dominance picks and meta at League of Legends Worlds 2021.

Major changes are at the horizon for Worlds 2021.

League of Legends fans is well aware that the game always releases modifications before each Worlds. Riot, on the other hand, has undergone a completely different development than in prior years.

Riot Games intends to adjust the strength of champions in League of Legends this year, rather than concentrating on fan requests or expectations. The publisher and organizers do not want the event to become a showcase for the strength of hot champions in the current meta, sacrificing fairness and diversity in professional players’ playstyles.

Riot Games’ creative director, Jeevun “Jag” Sidhu, stated that two patches, 11.18 and 11.19, will undoubtedly impact the meta of League of Legends in order to prepare for Worlds 2021.

The design team has thoroughly analysed previous professional matches. They intend to provide further tactical and synergistic diversity, as well as strategic thinking stimulation and appeal to audiences worldwide at Worlds 2021.

The developer also believes that the “unexpected” and “unique” strategies will be able to return to the biggest professional event of the year – Worlds 2021 – as Miss Fortune Support did at Worlds 2016, or as the bot lane Sona-Taric combination did for a while.

Sidhu also stated that he will not allow champions like Viego, Gnar, and Leona to dominate the meta of Worlds 2021 and therefore reduce the event’s variety. Furthermore, champions with a low pick rate will receive a significant buff – as Corki was mentioned in a Twitter post with a list of buffs up to 3 pages.

Lillia and Draven will also benefit from League of Legends’ creator. Only a short time after the release has the number of Lillia players dropped dramatically, and Draven has been absent from the professional arena for an extended period of time.

Image via Riot Games

Riot expressed a desire to bring the two champions back to the professional League of Legends arena by increasing Lillia’s attack speed and healing ability. Ultimate – Whirling Death and Passive – League of Draven still has a lot of untapped potential – according to the development team.

Update 11.18 known as “Worlds-A” is scheduled to be released on September 9 – about half a month before Worlds.