Worlds 2023: 2 champions have 100% pick-ban rate, and they might surprise you

The ongoing 2023 League of Legends World Championship has entered a dynamic phase, with players from across the globe embarking on their quest for the coveted Summoner’s Cup.

Amidst the intense competition, the professional meta is starting to crystallize, and 2 champions have emerged as paramount, enjoying a 100% draft presence during the play-in stage.

2 champions with 100% presence so far in Worlds 2023


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Xayah has asserted her dominance, being picked or banned in every game played thus far at Worlds 2023. This marks a significant 100% presence in all matches, accompanied by an impressive 69% win rate, according to statistics by

The ADC prowess of Xayah has been notably showcased in the tournament, with 2 pentakills already notched in the first week, courtesy of Team BDS’ Crownie and GAM Esports’ Slayder. Xayah leads the charts in kills and boasts the highest damage dealt among champions played at least 10 times.


On the other side of the spectrum is Maokai, a stalwart presence on the ban list throughout Worlds. Despite only seeing action on Summoner’s Rift 5 times, Maokai, often flexed into the jungle role, has demonstrated his impact in mid-to-late game stages.

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A noteworthy exception was DetonatioN FocusMe’s unconventional use of Maokai as a support, albeit in a losing effort against CTBC Flying Oyster. Pro teams consistently ban Maokai due to the challenging mid-to-late game scenarios he creates without easily countered strategies.

Looking ahead, it is anticipated that Xayah and Maokai will maintain their status as top-tier picks as World progresses. Xayah’s popularity among skilled ADCs makes her a staple in drafts, while Maokai’s adaptability as one of the easier junglers to play fits into various team compositions.

Screenshot via Riot Games

These champions are expected to continue dominating drafts throughout the month, especially as the World Championship advances into the Swiss stage on Thursday, Oct. 19. The strategic landscape of the tournament seems poised to revolve around these 2 formidable champions, adding an intriguing layer to the unfolding narrative of this esports event.