Wukong rework skill kit officially appears

Wukong Rework – The recent rework of the Wukong skill set of the Riot Games has encountered many grievances to the gaming community itself and received too much criticism. Therefore, they decided to use their 200 years of game development experience to once again rework the 3.0 skill set for Wukong.

You can Read: Wukong’s new skill set will appear in patch 10.6 – wukong rework

Wukong Rework

Wukong is probably the most laborious champion of Riot Games when reworking because they need three high-end game designers to implement but still only in the testing phase. The last person responsible for this monkey is Riot August, the creator of Ekko, Jhin, Jinx, Vi Gnar and the rework of the two Kayle sisters – Morgana, recently announced the first details about this new Wukong. .

This Wukong changelist will go out to PBE tomorrow, picking up where @RiotLutzburg left off.

Wukong Rework



– CHANGES ARE EXPERIMENTAL, some things may be removed, some thing may be added, some things may be changed 

-Still not happy with the passive. 

-Damage tuning may be off. Could be too strong or too weak.

Base Stats

Magic resistance: 32.1 >>> 28

Health: 577.8 >>> 540

P – Stone Skin

Armor: 4/6/8 per nearby champion >>> 5+1/lvl

MR: 4/6/8 per nearby champion >>> removed

Now grants 1% max health regen per 5s

Bonuses (armor and regen) are increased by 4x when 3 or more enemy champions are nearby

Now checks for enemies every 25s (from every 1s)

Q – Crushing Blow

Bonus Damage: 10-130 (+0-40% AD) >>> 30-110 (+ 7 BAD)

Bonus Range: 125 >>> 75 – 175

Armor Shred Duration: 3s >>> 4s

New: Whenever Wukong or his clone deal damage with basic attacks or spells, Q’s CD is reduced by 5 seconds. Cooldown: 9-5 >>> 10-6

Mana cost: 40 >>> 30-50

Cast time now scales with Attack Speed

W – Warrior Trickster

New: Added a 300 range dash that can go over small walls (the same as Kindred Q)

Stealth duration: 1.5s >>> 1s

No longer does AoE magic damage on despawn.

Cooldown: 18-10 >>> 22-14

Mana cost: 50-70 >>> 50

The clone now mimics wukong’s attacks and ultimate, but deals 30-70% damage

—Basic attacks, The clone will attempt to attack enemies Wukong has recently attacked.

—Q, Empowers clone’s next attack

—E, The clone gains the AS buff

—R, The clone starts spinning and will knockup enemies that haven’t been knocked up already. The clone mirrors Wukong’s animation state on spawn Attacks from towers instantly kill the clone

E – Nimbus Strike

Damage: 65-205 (+ 8 BAD physical >>> 80-260 (+1.0 AP) magic

AS buff duration: 4 >>> 5

CD: 8 >>> 10-8

Mana cost: 45-65 >>> 40-60

Offset distance from unit dashed to: 0 >>> 75

The dash now follows the target, similar to Lee Sin Q (We probably shouldn’t do this. Don’t count on this shipping.)

R – Cyclone

R can now be cast a 2nd time within 7 seconds. The second cast will not knockup enemies hit by the first

Spin duration: 4s >>> 2s

Damage per second: 20-200 (+1.1 TAD) >>> 1.2 TAD +2.5-8.5% (+1%/100 AD) max health

MS while spinning: 5-40% based on time >>> 20/30/40% based on skill rank

Time before you can cancel the spin: 1 >>>.5

Tick rate: 5s >>> 25s

Each tick of damage now applies Conqueror

Attack range while spinning:: 175 >>> 50 (This will make Wukong get closer to his target)

Wukong can now cast other spells to cancel R, stopping the spin

E’s attack speed duration is refreshed while spinning.

Added a buff timer to the spell icon to show how much spin time is left

Via: Riot August