Wukong – the Monkey King is getting rework! His Clone can attack nearby enemies now!
Ten days ago, Riot Lutzburg, Champion Designer at Riot Games, has announced that they are working on Wukong’s rework.
As he mentioned in his post on the North America League of Legend’s boards, there are three keys goals for the new Wukong’s changes:
“1. Give Wukong more tools and agency to make proactive plays during the laning phase.
2. Provide Wukong with quality-of-life improvements where possible.
3. Shift Wukong’s power curve towards early game instead of late-game.”
Rework Wukong Passive and Skills
Passive – Stone Skin:
- Wukong will no longer gain resistances for nearby enemy Champions.
- However, whenever Wukong is invisible to the enemy team for at least 1 second, he gains a temporary physical damage shield based on his maximum health.
Q – Wuju Strike:
- Mana costs lowered to a flat 30 from 40
- Cooldown reduced by 1 second at all ranks
- Spell’s cost is refunded if kills a unit.
W – Warrior Trickster:
- Now instantly dashes towards the player’s cursor instead of a short-range blink.
- Dash is 350 range and 1200 speed, and it cannot go over walls.
- Clone is now treated as a stationary Champion and will attack nearby enemies, prioritizing the last enemy Wukong damaged.
- Clone’s attacks deal a scaling 50-100% of Wukong’s AD based on spell rank and apply on-hit effects.
- His clone looks identical to Wukong’s animation state on spawn and animates as if he pressed the “S” (standing/stay) key.
E – Nimbus Strike:
- Tertiary target range check increased.
- Now deals magic damage instead of physical.
R – Cyclone:
- Tick rate increased to every .25 sec from .5
- Damage ratio increased to 1.25 AD/sec from 1.1
- Bonus movement speed is now flat 30% instead of ramping up 5-40% over the duration
- E’s attack speed buff now pauses while R is active.
- Wukong now can cancel R early by casting another ability or recasting R.
Credit: Lutzburg, Progress Report. Boards.na.leagueoflegends.com.