Wukong Rework?

Wukong the Monkey King is getting rework! His Clone can attack nearby enemies now!

Ten days ago, Riot Lutzburg, Champion Designer at Riot Games, has announced that they are working on Wukong’s rework.

As he mentioned in his post on the North America League of Legend’s boards, there are three keys goals for the new Wukong’s changes:

1. Give Wukong more tools and agency to make proactive plays during the laning phase.

2. Provide Wukong with quality-of-life improvements where possible.

3. Shift Wukong’s power curve towards early game instead of late-game.”

Rework Wukong Passive and Skills

Passive – Stone Skin:  

Q – Wuju Strike:

W – Warrior Trickster:

E – Nimbus Strike:

R – Cyclone:

Credit: Lutzburg, Progress Report. Boards.na.leagueoflegends.com.