Yassuo (Twitch Streamer) wishes a player and their family to get cancer

A clip recently surfaced involving Yassuo be toxic while he was streaming. Here is a break down of all the issues this clip and the whole situation raised.

Yassuo (Twitch Streamer) wishes a player and their family to get cancer

Yassuo is a Twitch streamer, YouTube content creator and League of Legends player. Recently, on his livestream on Twitch on July 22nd, Yassuo was playing a League Of Legends game where he is the junglers. Things began when the mid laner, playing Diana, kept making mistakes that lead to his team’s disadvantages. After losing the game, Yassuo was so frustrated that he reported Diana player as “Intentional feeding” and informed that player deserved cancer, before blocked that player immediately.


This short clip created an overwhelming comment section in Reddit, where many League Of Legends player arguing about Yassuo’s behaviors…

Pun – Intentional made a long complain:

League of Legends is toxic, and so are many MOBAs. However, that toxicity is normalized that isn’t seen in other activities, like sports, or the entertainment industry. I guarantee you if any celebrity right now not in the gaming industry wished someone else cancer without an extremely justified reason in public, they would most likely have ruined their own careers.

I don’t understand why people normalize toxicity in an online game. Someone playing poorly and losing a game is not even close to proper justification for you to wish cancer on them and their family.

If you’re curious as to what I consider “proper justification”, I consider things with really really high impact on your life overall to be proper justification, like if someone had just threatened your sibling’s life, I would have no objection to you wishing that that person got cancer, because the amount of anger that a family member’s life in danger should cause SHOULD be near uncontrollable. Losing a game shouldn’t be, and that’s just a testament to the poor anger control that a sizeable portion of the League community have.

“camncer,” whatever the hell that is. 🤷🏼‍♂️”

“Now watch him not getting punished at all while Hai get banned for 10 days lmao.”

League of Legends is one of the most popular games in the world, and this competitive tier is so exclusive that if you finish the annual competitive season at this rank, Riot sends you a jacket to commemorate your accomplishment. It’s kind of like the ones golf pros get when they win the Masters.  League of Legends gets a balance patch every two weeks, in which the game designers tweak damage and health numbers and sometimes alter the mechanics of champions who are performing too well or not well enough, as well as changing the items that the characters purchase over the course of the game. 

The fortunes of champions rise and fall with the patch cycle, and many competitive solo players try to exploit the strengths of the top “meta” champions to gain an edge over their opponents as they attempt to climb the ranked ladder. Being competitive with a wide range of characters helps you ride these waves and changes. May be the Diana players is not doing so, in accordance with making too much mistakes…..

We all know that in the past, Tyler 1 was banned 1 year before he came back to be a hot streamer. It’s better for Riot and the community if the story of Tyler1 becomes a story about reform. The perception among trolls is that Tyler was rewarded for bad behavior with popularity and money, and his continued League of Legends play suggest that being the worst you possibly can be in games where trolling is rare will bring you success. BANNING TYLER DIDN’T HELP FIGHT TOXICITY.

Tyler1 was banned 20 times in the past and permanently banned in 2016

Back to the story of Yassuo, this might not be massively serious, but looking around players from every regions ever, we find toxicity everywhere. What will be Riot moves to deal with it?