Yasuo’s Windwall is Extremely Annoying. Should Riot Change It?

Yasuo is one of the most successful champion ever made by Riot Games. He becomes one of the most played champions for a reason. Not only his lore, but also his play style, and abilities. Yasuo (W) – Windwall is an interesting ability that helps him block a big impact from other champions’ abilities during fight.

According to Gamefaqs, rated by LoL players, Yasuo (W) – Windwall is the top 2 most annoying ability in the game, just 1 vote after Fizz (E) – Playful / Trickster. Along with the list are Zoe (E) – Sleepy Trouble Bubble, Nasus (E) – Wither, etc.

Odyssey Yasuo

Yasuo is considered as a symbolic champion of League of Legends. He is favorited by many players for his playstyle and skill set.

Released in 2013, unlike many other old League of Legends’ champion, Yasuo, however, has never been reworked.

Every single ability from his skillset can easily create high impacts in team fights.

In particular, his (W) – Windwall is considered a great tool to helps him and his allies block the enemy’s skill and attacks.

Not only so, but this skill also gives many players a headache along with its visual problems.

Should Riot Changes Yasuo’s Windwall?

With a duration of 3.75s, Windwall is one of the extremely annoying things for marksmen and mages.

Without a good position, the enemy’s ADC or mages will not have a chance to deal any damage. An option for them is to relocation and might put themselves in danger in order to escape the range of Windwall.

There is a League player on Reddit who came up with the idea of changing Yasuo’s Windwall to prevent more players from getting tilted while playing against this champion.

The player mentioned that instead of having this ability last for 3.75 seconds, Windwall will have a duration. In detail, like Yorick (E) – Dark Procession, where Windwall will have a health-bar and the amount of health will decrease if taking damage/ability from enemies.

So basically, the more damage Windwall takes, the less duration it will be.

Yorick (E) – Dark Procession

This is a great idea because it will reduce the discomfort of Windwall. Yasuo will also be unable to freely use this ability to block damage and will have to calculate more before using it.

However, this change would dramatically make Yasuo’s power lessened.

Meanwhile, other players are satisfied with the current mechanism of Windwall but are annoyed by its confusing hitbox. In some situations, it may seem that your skill or attack has hit Yasuo, but ultimately it is blocked by Windwall, with a ridiculous angle.

Quinn’s Auto-attacks were Blocked by Windwall

What do you think about this change?

Would you change Yasuo (W) – Windwall?