Yone and Gwen are new champions coming to Wild Rift patch 3.4

According to recent sources, Yone and Gwen will eventually make their Wild Rift debut. It’s probable that the new champions will debut in Wild Rift Patch 3.4, and official announcements should appear soon.

Although completely unique heroes aren’t off the table, Wild Rift is gradually filling up its champion roster with the League of Legends cast.

For patch 3.3, Samira, Kassadin, and Sion have already been officially unveiled, leaving fans to wonder who the upcoming champions will be. Fortunately, Wild Rift Korea’s “Drop the Champ” video mistakenly revealed the identity of the next champion, a mistake that has since been fixed. But since the news has already spread online, Yone and Gwen are already essentially confirmed for the game.

They appeared to be playing a 3.4 version of the game in the video since Yone and Gwen were visible on the champion choose screen. This is clear proof that they will be released during the following major patch cycle, especially in light of the preceding information that was also found to be true.

Regarding Yone, data miners also found Wild Rift Yone audio lines, where the suspected new champion converses with his brother, Yasuo, in addition to Wild Rift Korea’s YouTube account mistakenly revealing the Wild Rift new champion. A new Spirit Blossom event is also rumored to be coming to League of Legends PC and Wild Rift, which would coincide well with the debut of Yone.

Additionally, Gwen splash arts were found in the data, providing more support for the champion’s release.

Considering the official Wild Rift Korea YouTube account, Yone and Gwen are now all but guaranteed to appear in the game. However, data mines for Warwick and Vex have also been found.

Just to give you some background, Big Bad Bear has recently been uncovering more and more information about the new champions, discovering splash artwork for Warwick in data mines for Wild Rift.

There’s a good probability that Warwick may debut in the mobile game shortly because Chowz reportedly also found Warwick’s W SFX in the sound files.

The graphics for Vex’s Wild Rift talent were discovered by data miners inside the game’s data, indicating the champion’s development and eventual release. This data mining technique has proven rather consistent, having previously been used to reveal Veigar and Diana.

There isn’t a lot of information available about the champion release cycles, so they might essentially release in any order. The hypothesis that Yone and Gwen will be released in Patch 3.4 appears to be the most strongly accepted, but don’t be surprised if the actual release order differs from what was anticipated.