Yorick is entirely abandoned – League players blasted at devs

The champion Yorick has drawn attentions from League of Legends players on Reddit, with some saying the developer may have even forgotten the champion entirely

With more than 160 champions available to players, League of Legends is a rather large game. Players may easily find a champion to play from game to game. But there is an equally forgotten champion for every popular champion.  Compared to their favourite equivalents, these champions don’t get as much play time.

Undoubtedly, this applies to the poor Shepherd of Souls. Yorick was a champion who debuted in 2011 and was initially an unwanted champion for his appearance and playstyle.

Image via Riot Games

LoL players slammed devs for abandoning Yorick

He did get a rework, which put him back in the spotlight, but he has since faded. In fact, one player thought it would be a good idea to remind Riot of his existence.

A Reddit user who goes by the name Kampyscho posted a Reddit post mentioning how Yorick has been left in the dust for quite a while now. After it was established there were no minions in the new Arena mode, Psycho made the decision to draw attention to the problems. Since this is a key component of his kit, he was essentially unplayable in that mode.

“Shortly after the New Mode launched on PBE and of course Yorick had no way to get his Ghouls for the first 2 rounds, basically damn near unplayable since he’s a necromancer reliant on his pets for DPS.”

Image via Riot Games

He outlined a number of problems with the champion, which was left far behind on Summoner’s Rift despite receiving some quality-of-life improvements in the arena mode. Sadly, the modifications that were suggested for Yorick were not meant for Summoner’s Rift.

Yorick was going to undergo some changes, as Riot has previously hinted in the patch preview, however, it turns out that they were only bug patches and not substantial changes.

“Later on that day of course we got the full list of the Patch 13.14 and come to find out the “adjustments” were just a bugfix, now I love it, when Riot bugfixes Yorick especially when he has a long list of bugs done by u/NinetalesLoL instead of addressing some of the most constant ones”

Image via Riot Games

He continues by discussing the champion’s past with nerfs and how Riot has practically abandoned him, leaving a fairly fitting statement.

Yorick’s future with Riot is questionable, but the champions’ mains believe he needs some love fast or else he would go back to his root of being a forgotten champion.