Players believed Yuumi’s Rework was a total failure, but the stats proved it wrong

Yuumi is still causing debate in the League of Legends community. Players continue to believe she is still powerful, despite stats to the contrary.

A League player humorously requested for the release date of Yuumi’s rework on a recent Reddit thread, which was already got added to the game on March 7, and complained about still seeing her being picked too much in pro play.

In a reply, Riot Games’ David “Phreak” Turley backed the developer by sharing statistics proving her fix was efficient. He asserted that her presence in professional play declined by 6 to 14 percent, depending on the league.

According to Reav3, the statistic dropped from a stunning 50% in Patch 12.18 matches (relating to the 2022 World Championship) to 36 to 44% in Patch 13.11 games.

“Maybe some pros should get better at drafting.”

“Did we fail with the Yuumi rework? No, the pro players must be wrong,” 

Players overwhelmingly downvoted Phreak’s comments, with others pointing out her pro win rate. While she only has a 40% win rate in the LEC and LCK Summer Splits, she has a 70% win rate in the LPL after her rework, which is the highest among supports, according to Oracle’s Elixir. On the other hand, she’s merely the sixth most visible support selection.

Yuumi has been a nightmare to balance ever since she was selected for the pro play meta. Mostly because of her one-of-a-kind ability to connect herself to an ally and become untargetable. Her dominance in some tournaments, along with her unpleasant attach ability, has made her one of the game’s most despised champions.

Her midscope change, fortunately, arrived just in time for her to be deactivated during MSI. Nonetheless, the mid-scope update kept the core cause of disagreement in the form of her ability to bond with teammates and become untargetable, which is why players hate Yuumi so much.

Image via Riot Games

The Magical Cat has already undergone 6 nerfs this year as a result of her overhaul, including the one that will be implemented with Patch 13.12 next week. There’s no question she’ll see more changes this season.