Zed Eclipse + Serylda to Rule Korean Server

Faker has been spamming this Zed build in ranks.

Since his release in Season 3, Zed has been one of the best champions in League of Legends. Cool champion design, good abilities, and playstyle. Zed’s nature is a fast assassin with strong dueling potential, that is why one of the most common builds for him is Duskblade of Darktharr + Yomuu’s Ghostblade.

Besides this normally used combo, high elo players like Faker have a different approach when it comes to item building. More particularly, in Patch 10.25, Faker has been spamming Eclipse + Serylda on Zed ever since after the update. Why is he choosing this build? Let’s find out!

Eclipse can be considered as the best Mythic for AD Assassins. Besides its base AD and Lethality stat, Eclipse provides an extra amount of damage base on the maximum HP of the opponent and Lifesteal as well. With lifesteal, Zed can also somehow overcome one of his biggest weakness: vulnearable to early poking in lane.

Lifesteal helps Zed laning and scaling much better. The amount of extra damage also makes sure he can deal decent damage without landing his combo properly in certain situations. In short, Eclipse can fix all of Zed’s problems, this is proven by the fact that Faker is constantly using it after the nerf in Patch 10.25.

One of Eclipse’s biggest weaknesses is, however, the lack of Ability Haste stat. To solve this problem, Faker chooses Serylda as the second item. Serylda has Last Whisper in its component, which provides incredible damage in the early stages of the match.

Serylda’s passive slows enemies hit by basic attacks or abilities, which further helps him to guarantee his combo land well. The slow from Serylda also help this ninja in teamfights, provide a little bit of extra ultility for his teammates.

One interesting fact from Faker Runes choice is that he picks a lot of healing to help him laning better. His core goal in the lane is to rush farm for Eclipse with Taste of Blood + Ravenous Hunter and Triump in his Secondary page.

In short, Eclipse + Serylda solves all his problems ever since. Better laning phase, sustain damage and extra utility in team fights. If you are looking for a new playstyle to try, consider Eclipse on your picking list.