“Zed Is Weak And Will Be Kept Weak Forever” – Riot August explained why

In a surprising revelation, Riot Games developer August Browning disclosed that Zed, the Master of Shadows in League of Legends, may forever remain a weak pick intentionally.

Zed is kept weak and Riot August explains why

The reasoning behind this decision by the balance team revolves around Zed’s capacity to induce frustration among players and the significant number of bans he draws.

Rather than offering hope to Zed players about the champion’s potential in the metagame, Riot August dealt a disheartening blow by acknowledging that Zed’s intentional weakness might persist indefinitely as part of Riot’s strategic approach.

Image via Riot Games

A pivotal factor that influenced Riot’s decision was Zed’s ban rate, currently standing at approximately 22.8% across all ranks, according to League statistics op.gg. Although not the highest ban rate in the game, this underscores the substantial impact Zed continues to wield, leading Riot to maintain caution in elevating his power level.

The ban rate, however, is not the sole consideration. Riot August emphasized repeatedly that Zed is regarded as “the most frustrating champion in League of Legends,” a sentiment echoed by the community. This perception of frustration further contributed to the decision to keep Zed intentionally weakened.

Image via Riot Games

Since his release in late 2012, Zed has solidified his status as an iconic assassin in League of Legends. Over the past years, every player has some of his highlights, whether it involves being outplayed or witnessing a flashy combo. Zed’s impact extends beyond individual gameplay, with some of the most memorable esports plays in League of Legends history attributed to this champion.

As the community awaits the potential evolution of Riot’s stance on Zed’s place in the metagame, uncertainty looms over whether the intentional restraint on Zed will persist. For now, players of the Master of Shadows should brace themselves for the likelihood of continued neglect in terms of power adjustments.