Zeri needs this simple modification to keep LoL players’ fingers intact

Zeri, a marksman champion in League of Legends, stands out for her unconventional playstyle, which can be both intriguing and physically demanding for players. Despite the ADC role typically adhering to a specific set of norms, several champions, including Zeri, deviate from the traditional.

Even champions like Smolder, initially designed to embody the standard marksman archetype, often end up defying expectations by leaning more towards spellcasting or even tankiness, depending on the builds.

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Zeri’s release was met with a mixture of excitement due to her unique mechanics, particularly her Q ability. Unlike most marksmen whose basic attacks are tied to their auto-attacks, her Q functions as a basic attack while her autos behave more like abilities. This distinctive feature sets her apart but also results in players constantly mashing the Q key, sometimes to the detriment of their keyboards and fingers.

Early on, her interactions with items like Tiamat and Sheen led to unconventional builds, turning her into a ranged bruiser with exceptional mobility. While she has since transitioned more towards a crit-focused build, the issue of excessive Q spamming remains, prompting some players to advocate for a quality of life improvement.

Small Zeri modification that could help players with their fingers

One League subreddit user suggested a potential solution: allowing Zeri to hold down the Q key to automatically fire on cooldown.

They argue that Zeri’s gameplay requires constant Q spamming, especially during high-attack speed moments like her ultimate ability or when farming minions, engaging in team fights, or taking down objectives.

Image via Riot Games

The player humorously acknowledges the toll such repetitive actions can take on their physical health, jokingly attributing it to the effects of aging and expressing a desire to prolong their ability to enjoy League without risking repetitive strain injuries (RSI).

The potential impact of such a change on Zeri’s gameplay remains uncertain, and whether it would be a viable solution is open to debate. However, it underscores the ongoing dialogue between players and developers regarding the balance between champion uniqueness and player comfort in the game.