Ziggs Rebel Boomer man Patch 10.10 Guilde comp

Hi guys, I am Snail and today i’ll bring you a forgoten comp in TFT season 3. New patch 10.10 have arrive and with a lot buff to champion, items this will bring back this comp back. The comp i’m talking about now is Rebel. Let get into it now. 

What make Rebel comeback? In some nearly patch we have a buff for  

Attack Speed from 0.7 ⇒0.75 (Patch 10.8). 

Rocket Magic Damage: 100/175/750⇒125/200/750 (Patch 10.9). 

Health from 950 ⇒ 1100 (Patch 10.8). 

Armor 30 ⇒ 35 (Patch 10.8). 

Starship: 20 mana per second ⇒ 40 mana per second in patch 10.9 from 30/80 ⇒ 40/120. 

Total Mana: 45 ⇒ 40 (Patch 10.10). 

Sona Aria of Perseverance Cleanse: All Debuffs ⇒ Only Stuns (Patch 10.9). 

Sona Aria of Perseverance Heal amount: 100/150/200⇒150/200/300 (Patch 10.9). 

Master Yi Chosen One Healing: 8%/10%/15%⇒12% at all levels (Patch 10.8). 

Health: 600 ⇒ 700 (Patch 10.10). 

Total Mana: 100 ⇒ 90 (Patch 10.10). 

With mana and skill damage of Ziggs and some buff for Gangplank in patch 10.10 this will bring back Rebel Demonlitionist comp. Also in patch 10.9 Rebel got a buff. Rebel Shield: 150/225/350 ⇒ 150/210/330. 

In patch 10.10 you don’t need wait Aurelion Sol to complete 6 Rebel in stead of you can use Malphite and Jinx to build the comp. Now, how to build the comp? we need 6 Rebel include: Ziggs (Must be 3 star), Malphite, Sona, Yasuo, Master Yi and Jinx base on situation you can change your comp to hold more of your health. For example if Yasuo and Master Yi is really strong in your team, you can buy Kayle and Missfortune to have 3 Blademaster, 2 Valkyrie and 2 Blaster. In another situation if you lucky and have 2 star Chogath in early of the game you can play 2 Brawler and find Soraka to have 2 Mystic. In late game if you can find Aurelion Sol you can use it instead of Malphite and find Gangplank to complete your comp, if you can find Gangplank consider using Rumble. 


This comp using Ziggs as a Carry team so you need to put your items into Ziggs fist and with his total mana you need to have a lot of Tear of Goddness (>=4) to complete 2 Seraph’s Embrace so he can using his skill continuity. Rabadon’s Deathcap or Jeweled Gauntlet is also good choice for him in game. If you can afford those items, you can use Chalice of Favor or Luden’s Echo. 

Malphite starting the game with a shield base on his health so he need a lot of items from  Giant’s Belt. Warmog’s Armor is best items for him Zz’Rot Portal is also good for him. If he can reach 3 star and you want to have a tanker can not be killed you can consider about Bramble Vest, Dragon’s Claw, Ionic Spark is conform for him. 

Attack Damage, Attack Speed and Crital chance is what you need for Jinx so you need items from Recurve Bow, Sparring Gloves and B.F Sword. Infinity Edge, Last Whisper, Giant Slayer, Deathblade or you can use Red Buff if you have 2 Blaster in team. 

How to set up Rebel Boomer comp: 

Hope you enjoy the game