10.14 Upcoming Changes Preview – the Reincarnation of Zed?

10.14 Upcoming Changes Preview Here. Disclaimer: This is just a PBE update so It might be changed in the future. Riot also stated that they are pending for testing. We will try our best to give you the most accurate and latest updates in this post.

10.14 Upcoming Changes Preview

Champs Nerfs

Pyke (Mid): Riot recently stated that they wanted to nerf Pyke in mid lane and keep him as a support champion. Although they nerfed him multiple times, he’s still a really strong pick in solo queue. Let’s see if this change will whether to solve this problem or not.

Ezreal: Apparently, Ezreal is dominating in both pub-play and competitive play. This nerf may bring him down a little bit from his glory.

Varus: Similar to Ezreal, he is seen to be picked in all most every match when he’s available.

Volibear: One again, after his massive buffs, he’s now nerfed. What a cycle.

Trundle: We must admit, nothing can stop this Trundle. He received a lot of nerfs recently but it definitely didn’t enough to knock him out of the meta.

Wukong: Yes, finally. He’s way too frustrating to go against and his double-knockup is just insane crowd control for a Juggernaut.

Champs Buffs

Pyke (Support): As we mentioned, they want to put Pyke where he’s supposed to be.

Zed: Although he’s incredibily strong in low-elo. His performance on higher ranks is poor.

Karthus: For quite a long time, Karthus is only picked in the Jungle. He’s really an obsolete pick in mid lane.








Read more about top 10 most nerfed champions in LoL history.