5 Leaked Spirit Blossom Skin for Kindred, Ahri, Riven, Cassiopeia, Yone, and possibly more.

An assortment of emotes leaked throughout social media platforms and splash arts leaked by Twitter data miners revealed that Kindred, Ahri, Riven, Cassiopeia, and the speculated upcoming champion release, Yone, will receive Spirit Blossom content.

If Yasuo, Vayne, Lillia, Teemo with his Prestige Edition, Thresh with his mind-blown human form and the double champion releases of Lillia and Yone that caused the netizens across social media platforms and Internet forums to fawn over lately weren’t enough for this half-a-year teased Spirit Blossom event, another batch of skins has just been found by League’s own branch of conspiracy theorists.

PBE Emotes

On August 8th, a set of emotes have been found on PBE server. Most players can easily deduce the upcoming champions to receive the Spirit Blossom skin by the notable features of the champions, namely: Kindred, Ahri, Riven, and Cassiopeia. Moreover, Surrender at 20, a prominent League of Legends news outlet, also posted the name of the files found in the PBE League of Legends folder, confirming that the theory is accurate.

File names of the leaked emotes
Ahri, one of Riot’s favorite candidates for new skins, will also make an appearance as well

Splash art leaks

On August 9th, Twitter user insta:streamiebr uploaded various splash art and in-game model leaks for the aforementioned Spirit Blossom skins, further consolidating the truthfulness of all previous leaks.

One Twitter user posted the leaked splash art
Spirit Blossom Kindred’s splash art leak

Out of all skin, Spirit Blossom Kindred is probably the most discussed content among League enthusiasts, for it is the first time they know how the Lamb actually looks like under her Wolf mask. Along with Thresh, this unmasking – anthromorphing marketing tactic by Riot Games proves to be successful, since an unpopular recipient for new skins like Kindred is being relatively hyped right now.

Alongside Kindred, Thresh’s human face proves to be pivotal for the success of this event

It should be noted that Kindred and Cassiopeia haven’t been receiving any new skins for over 1000 days. Since Riot promised that they will grant every champion who hasn’t received any new cosmetics for a long while this year, the Lamb and the snake are perfect candidates for this event. Their mains can now rejoice as they can now spend more Riot Points on their beloved champion.

In addition, Spirit Blossom Yone splash art has been recently data mined by a known data miner on Twitter, Jumaralo Hex.

Riot is letting their clandestine projects being leaked too much recently

The biggest event ever?

If all of these haven’t crowned the 2020 Summer Festival the title of League’s biggest in-game event in its history, on early 8th July, Reddit user u/Kiritoxzn, who leaked Yone’s information, has revealed that there will be another Demon Hunter skinline to come with Spirit Blossom roster. Yone, Yasuo (prestige), Riven, Shen, and Zed will be the recipients. It’s unknown if Riven, Yone and Yasuo would receive 2 skins at a single event, though double releases on the same champions like Dark Star – Cosmic Lux and Nightbringer – Dawnbringer Soraka have been attempted before, therefore this assumption is entirely plausible.

This will be League’s biggest event in its existence

Riot Games is apparently trying its best to allocate all resources and talent into the planning of the event, so all League fan base should rack up enough Riot Points now for the oncoming additions to the shop. Judging by the initial reaction across the Internet, this event will be well-received and will be regarded as one of the best events, alongside events like the Frejold update patch in 2013 and the Burning Tides in 2015.