A Complete List of Events and Rewards in Upcoming Nexus Blitz Mode

Nexus Blitz mode is coming back as a temporary game mode for our upcoming summer event!

When Riot Games revealed that Nexus Blitz will make a return this year, many League of Legends fans were hyped. Yet they will be excited to know that there are two new in-game events that will make their debut this summer, when the mode is introduced.

In addition, Nexus Blitz is coming back with a lot of different features including an Ionian-themed map and a couple of new rewards depending on whether you win an event during the match.

The most significant improvement to Nexus Blitz is its map— it will be permanently set in an Ionian forest from here on.

New map in Nexus Blitz mode

New map in Nexus Blitz mode

Here’s a complete list of events and rewards in 2020 Nexus Blitz mode:



Since the experimental mode was introduced to the public in 2018, this game mode has been highly demanded by League fans. Riot revealed that game modes such as Nexus Blitz were fantastic when they first dropped but lost their appeal quickly over a few weeks.

As a result, it didn’t seem worth maintaining the resources to keep the game mode since not many people were playing it to start with. Riot will certainly be studying the numbers when Nexus Blitz hits the Summer Festival’s live servers.

Sources: https://eune.leagueoflegends.com/en-pl/news/dev/dev-return-of-nexus-blitz/