AFK, trolling and intentional feeding will be automatically detected and seriously punished!!!

One of the new developments of Riot Games to punish players who behave badly (AFK, trolling and intentional feeding) in the game and improve LoL players’ experience

About the previous plan of Riot: Riot Games Plans to Impose Large Penalties on Afk Players in Solo Queue

Last July 4th, Riot showed their fans a new project in order to improve and punish bad behaviors in the game. Two bad behaviors which are disliked most are AFK and intentional feeding will be the main points of this project.

It’s been a long time since the last time Riot updated Summoner’s Code (Players’ behaviors rules) for LoL. To make these rules used fairly and seriously, it’s actually necessary for Riot to categorize behaviors which cause severe consequences and link them to suitable punishment.

To make this come true, Riot is developing an advanced auto-detect system, focusing on two bad behaviors: AFK and intetional feeding. After that, they will broadly investigate into other bad behaviors so as to continue to develop the auto-detect system.

Zoe: “Please stop feeding guys!!!”

Before working on this project, Riot had updated muting and reporting feature in Ban & Pick Phase on PBE server in order to limit the number of bad behavior. About the auto-ban system, Riot will go on investigating and asking the community for their ideas before complete it.

Auto-ban system has appeared in LoL for a long time but not completed yet…

Beside AFK and intentional feeding, there are a lot more bad behaviors which make the game worse, such as using offensive words, taunting emotes or using skills for a bad purpose (Bard’s R, Tahm Kench’s W,…) If these behaviors are made repeatedly, these players will have no chance to justify and have a long holiday, for sure.