After 9 years, This Kayle Bug still hasn’t gone away

Though being one of the most famous Competitive Esports Game around these days, League of Legends has always been recognized for its long list of bugs. Recently is the Collector, now is this. On May 20 just now, a video was posted on Youtube under the account Vandiril, pointing out this long-lasting and also game-breaking Bug involving Kayle using her R.

Kayle R Bug

In the clip, we also notice that this Bug first happen in 2012, when Kayle hadn’t been Reworked yet. In both of the 2 clips in the vid shown, we can see that even though Kayle’s R occurred on his/her allies, both of them, both Kog’Maw and Jinx still received Dmg.

Another one related to Kayle happened around 2019, when Kayle received her first Rework. It is funny to mention that even right after the Rework, the same thing was still around her R. In the video, Kindred managed to slain Kayle even though she used her R clearly.

Still the same one over and over again…

Back to the one in 2021, the Bug is now happening on live servers, which can cause many disturbing towards League Players and can also result in Players’ gameplay and game score.

Kayle is one of the strongest carries in the late game, and her Ult makes her even stronger. But with the R error coming back again after 9 years missing, Kayle is becoming more vulnerable and even unplayable lately. We are all hoping that Riot would take this Bug for granted and soon would put an end to this 9 Years nightmare.