What happens when Akshan can swing infinitely? – Riot can answer that question for you!

Akshan, one of League of Legends’ most divisive champions, receives a massive buff in patch 12.20

In reality, despite its length, Patch 12.20 brought few new changes to League of Legends. Still, there are a few standouts among the changes, such as the most recent Akshan quality-of-life change to his E ability.

Image via Riot Games

His E is known as Heroic Swing. It’s basically a grappling hook. When he casts E, he fires a hook in the target direction, embedding it in the first terrain hit. Then he can swing in the desired direction for 3 seconds. However, Akshan can now use his Heroic Swing indefinitely thanks to Patch 12.20.

With this latest update, he can easily AFK farm minions, freeze waves, and many other things.

Akshan Buff Patch 12.20

Although Riot fixed some of his bug, which allowed him to restlessly fire shots at the nearest enemy if you clicked on a specific spot around the structure, this spin-to-win mechanic will undoubtedly increase his win rate.

As of now, multiple videos indicating the new changes have been uploaded to Youtube, showing the champion can now spin around any given structure for as long as he wants.

This will undoubtedly give him an unfair advantage over champions such as Ashe and Senna, who have no mobility in their arsenal.

Because of this incredible change, we’re likely to see solo queues overrun with Akshans kiting their way throughout every game.

Image via Riot Games

As he can now swing to a tower indefinitely, it will primarily generate memes. However, it will aid roamers in swinging at tight corners. This patch should also encourage more Akshan players to roam, which will benefit the other lanes even more.