Another Ryze rework is being aimed at by Riot

Another rework for the famous Rune Mage – Ryze might be on the table as his win rate and pick rate continued to sink in Season 11.

Image via Riot Games

Ryze is being aimed for another rework after a not really successful Season.

In League of Legends, there are just a few certainties. Lux is still getting a new skin. TSM will still do poorly at Worlds. Your team’s Yasuo will end up 0/10 and AFK. Irelia gets nerfed and Ryze gets another rework.

Ryze’s life has been a carousel since his debut on Summoner’s Rift in 2009. The battlemage was reworked first in v1.0.0.61, then again shortly after in v1.0.0.111. There were two more patches in and 5.8, the latter of which was billed as a “ultimate patch,” until he received a near-total redesign in Season 6.

The Rune Mage is currently on his sixth update, which shipped in LoL patch 9.12, and comes with a slew of base stat updates, new effects, and other adjustments.

This most recent edition has had a long run, with 49 live patches, but when it comes to Ryze, the good days never seem to last; with his win rate declining, Riot has indicated they’re “definitely” considering another rework.

Image via Riot Games

Ryze has hardly been touched in Season 11, with just a minor Q buff in LoL patch 11.1 incorporated into his gigantic update list.

Despite this, the Rune Mage has found himself falling out of popularity once more. According to the stat-tracking website Lolalytics, the mid laner just wins 45.49 percent of his Rift games. If you move him to the top, his percentage just rises to 46.39 percent.

Simply put, Ryze has sunk to the bottom of the meta.

The League’s developers have said that they plan to address this problem. Once more.

“[Ryze is] definitely a candidate for some kind of rework,” On Reddit, dev RiotPhlox explained that the balancing team must at least wait to see where the new Phase Rush nerfs left the mage “before pulling the trigger.”

The LoL dev didn’t say much about these updates, but many consider them to be more akin to a 9.12-style upgrade than a total redesign like 6.14.

Image via Riot Games

Ryze will fall behind a few other struggling LoL champions in need of a new makeover until he is signed to the balance team’s rework plans.

Dr. Mundo is the target of the first rework. The Madman of Zaun is having a new backstory, new powers, and cool new skins. Tahm Kench’s update is also planned shortly, but it has been postponed due to animation problems. Sona and Udyr will also see major improvements.

A Rammus upgrade was also included in patch 11.9, but the redesign wasn’t perfect; Riot will be releasing more Armordillo buffs soon.