Bel’Veth is officially released through Riot Games’ cinematic

Riot Games has finally announced the next champion to join League of Legends roster, Bel’Veth, Empress of the Void

Screenshot via Riot Games

Riot’s new cinematic All That Will Ever Be was released today. Due to various leaks a while back, we knew for a while that Bel’Veth thematic will be some form of a manta ray. However, this was the first time we saw her fully, and many people were astonished to see a Void champion with a human head.

The cinematic follows the Season 12 introductory cinematic, in which Kai’Sa battles off a Xer’Sai creature. We’ve seen her land far into the Void, never to be seen again, until now. The teaser provided a terrifying preview of what may be in store as Kai’Sa battles the tremendous power that the Empress of the Void delivers.

Bel’Veth’s transformation will be one of her most important characteristics. She will be able to change and shift her shape, according to the video. Riot has also hinted at this several times, throwing hints left and right. The champion may transform into a horrific beast with rows of razor-sharp fangs and a terrifying manta-ray shape.

Image via Riot Games

Riot provided a lot of depth to the cinematic and the color storyline; at the start of the video, Kai’Sa sees a toy ship being torn apart and devoured, a toy no doubt from the city of Belveth. There’s a lot more to say about Bel’Veth’s lore and the lore of champions she interacts with, such as Kai’Sa and Vel’Koz.

Fans are still waiting for more official details about Bel’Veth. However, there have been several leaks about the champion, including her in-game model and her entire skill set.

Riot has stated that further information regarding Bel’Veth will be posted on the PBE next week, as well as a gameplay clip in the coming days.