Best meta comps in TFT Set 8 patch 12.23

With patch 12.23, TFT Set 8 has finally been released. To succeed as Monsters Attack, you must put together the greatest possible comps. Fortunately, we have a guide to the best meta builds so you can dominate your ranked grind.

With TFT Set 8’s introduction of the autobattler to the Spatulopolis in Monsters Attack, the Dragonlands are now in the past. This entails learning about new champions and attributes, mechanics like Hero Augments, and more in order to begin the ranking grind.

We’ve got you covered with a meta guide to some of the top TFT Set 8 comps—as of patch 12.23—if you’re looking for a simple place to start.

Although it’s always best to play flexibly with your equipment and augments, these builds are the most reliable for securing Top 4 finishes and victories, allowing you to move up the ladder as quickly as possible.

Best meta comps in TFT Set 8 patch 12.23

Bel’Veth / Aurelion Sol

Threats, a brand-new Trait mechanic that hasn’t appeared in any other expansion, was introduced in TFT Set 8. Threat itself doesn’t provide any benefits, despite the fact that some champions fall under the banner. The individual champions are quite powerful, though, and can be included in any composition as a result.

What if, though, you decided to make every threat in your comp? That’s conceivable, and this particular TFT Set 8 board has one of the highest caps. When you play around all eight threats and attain the Threat Level: Maximum Gold Augment, your team gains a ton of base stats that are challenging to overcome.

Early on, you want to play as quickly as you can while conserving as much health as you can. Slam AD items on units like Wukong and AP items on Lulu. You’ll be good to go if you can reach Level 8 at Stage 4-5 or 5-1 while collecting Threats along the route.

As your main carry, you should roll down for your final board at Level 8 with upgrades of at least Bel’Veth 2 and Aurelion Sol 2. Although Rammus and Cho’Gath provide damage-specific flexibility, Zac is your main frontline. As TFT patch 12.23 goes live, the full Threat comp is arguably the strongest if you have the correct Augments.

Miss Fortune Anima Squad

One of the best vertical qualities is Anima Squad, especially if you can earn it from Stages 1-4 or 2-1. When the late-game battles begin, being able to quickly accumulate Fame and obtain the health bonus for all of your units can make all the difference.

The most well-known Anima Squad carry is Miss Fortune, however, Jinx and Vayne can be useful if you get the correct Hero Augments. Otherwise, it’s simpler to concentrate on the four-cost Ace.

Pushing 4 Ace is a bit of bait because it renders your team overly weak offensively for very little gain. As an alternative, it is preferable to have a powerful frontline with either 3 Anima Squad and splash defensive characteristics like Brawler and Aegis, or 7 Anima Squad for the significant offensive boost if you manage to acquire an Emblem on the board.

Riven can handle all of your defensive items, but Miss Fortune can easily slam AP boosters like Rabadon’s Deathcap and Spear of Shojin (she lacks mana generation). If necessary, AD items can be placed on Vayne, but if you keep acquiring too many swords, it might not be worthwhile to play Miss Fortune.

Talon / Viego Ox Force

In TFT patch 12.23, Ox Force is the other very potent vertical characteristic to base your strategy around. The 6 Ox Force comps were a little underestimated on PBE, but they quickly took over the charts after they become “meta” near the end of the testing period.

Talon reroll and Viego carry are the two main variants. Both play very differently, although they can produce boards that appear very similar in the end. In order to acquire the one-cost carry with Talon reroll, you should get a Talon Hero Augment early—either one—and roll aggressively at Level 5. You can veer off course and play either vertical Ox Force or 3 Supers 3 Renegades.

Viego levels up more conventionally, reaching Level 8 by about Stage 4-5 or 5-1. Contrary to popular belief, Viego prefers AP items, therefore great picks include Deathcap, Jeweled Gauntlet, and even Ionic Spark. To secure the resets, Bloodthirster for healing is also beneficial. Talon should not receive AD items, as Aphelios poses a greater threat in the late game.

The core members of the Six Ox Force are Talon, Alistair, Fiora, Aphelios, and Annie. You can substitute Annie for a Duelist like Zed if you can hit an Emblem. Your tempo mostly hinges on how many Talons and the Hero Augment you get early on. Play Talon if you do. Viego is simpler to play if not.