Blitzcrank: A potential Support, or a new Meta-Jungler?

Blitzcrank’s win rate in League of Legends has increased dramatically after patch 12.19

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends is currently one of the most popular games in the world. It is also one of the games that is constantly updated. The game has various meta-shifts that the balancing team must address on a regular basis. This year alone has witnessed several meta-shifts. The balancing team, on the other hand, frequently overshoots on buffs and nerfs.

Blitzcrank is one of the champions whose power has increased drastically with patch 12.19. His total strength was increased in that patch, making him extremely oppressive on the Rift.

Blitzcrank changes in patch 12.19 turned his new role into a Jungler

Several changes were made to the champion in Patch 12.19.

Except for Blitzcrank’s Q, every other ability and some of his base stats have been improved. The adjustments made it considerably easier to capture someone and deliver some damage. In addition, his modifications to non-champion damage make him an intriguing jungle option.

Blitzcrank was already challenging to play against, given that a well-placed hook is almost always a guaranteed kill.  Furthermore, he is now a dual-role danger because to the non-champion damage buffs. In both support and jungle, his pick rate has increased.

According to League statistics OP.GG, His jungle win rate is merely 44.60%, and the pick rate is only 2.60% of the time. However, this demonstrates that Blitzcrank is still being used in the jungle. His support win rate, on the other hand, is 54.37%, and his pick rate is 11.16%, making him the Rift’s strongest Support choice.

More buffs for Blitzcrank Jungle in Patch 12.20

With Blitzcrank’s comeback in the meta, Riot has announced intentions to make more modifications to the champion.

Image via Riot Games

These modifications indicate that Riot is attempting to drive Blitzcrank towards the jungle. His Jungle role is learning more about the jungle as his scaling and monster damage increase. The Support role, on the other hand, will suffer as a result of the damage reductions.

It seems that Riot will be hoping that his jungle pick-and-win rates climb while his support statistics decrease. This will be a work in progress, since further modifications are possible if the champion buffs go too far.