BotRK is having a relatively serious bug

Another bug in item-building order has been found

Viego has had so many bugs since his debut that many players are frustrated with him. His reputation seems to be worsened as not only himself but his well-known weapon – BotRK, which has existed in the game for a long time, also has a new bug.

According to some videos posted on LoL community forums, when you purchase BotRK after owning other items, your damage will be decreased. Specifically, in the video below, when you buy Wit’s End – BotRK, your damage is 290, but with BotRK – Wit’s End, the number will be 288(???).

This bug attracted huge attention from the community as soon as it was published. LoL is a game requiring a lot of skills from its players, from micro, macro, logical thinking, etc. Your item path varies among matches, each situation will demand different items. In most patches, BotRK is obviously not the one that players have to prioritize, so this bug is apparently serious as losing damage just because of item order is clearly “illegal”!

BotRK is an essential item for most Bruisers, but not the first-place one

Explaining this, Caenen – a famous analyzer of the LoL community, shared that the formula for calculating damage of this game actually changes based on your item order. His temporary solution to this bug is selling the item purchased before BotRK, and then undoing that. Additionally, damage is not the only thing affected by this formula. MS is also a victim of it, as you can see in the video below: