Broken build: Anivia & Poppy on Bot Lane – Pre Season 2021

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This duo squad – Anivia & Poppy is truly a nightmare on Bot Lane

After many changes in Items, Marksman class Champions are quite weak at the moment, in spite of the efforts to buff them in the latest patches. This lead to a fact that Mages and Warriors appear on Bot Lane more often and the most remarkable duo on Bot Lane is Anivia Poppy.

The main reason is Riot buffed Anivia way too hard at patch 10.25, with higher AP and less Mana Consume. Moreover, Riot Games also fixed Anivia’s basic attack, made it travel smoother and faster, which helps to enhance her farming in the Laning Phase.

However, bringing Anivia to Mid Lane is still a challenge for most players, even pro-players because there are many Assassin out there due to the rise of Lethality. So, if Anivia is weak at 1v1, why don’t we let her make friends. Our suggestion: Poppy! The question is: Why Poppy?

The reason is that Poppy’s E – Heroic Charge can stun enemy up to 1.6 seconds at the first level, in combination with Anivia’s W – Crystallize, they can all-in a Champion quite easily. All they need is Anivia timing for her W at the right position where Poppy’s E is heading.

Only about timing

Furthermore, Poppy’s W – Steadfast Presence can protect both of them pretty well from gank or dive.

In order to have enough damage in the Early game, Anivia should change her Runes from Arcen Comet to Electrocute, and her Mythic Item should be Luden’s Tempest then Archangel’s Staff, and Zhonya’s Hourglass are also essential.

For Poppy, Aftershock is recommended in order to maximize her damage dealt after Heroic Charge (E). There is not any special in items build for Poppy, just go Tanky. You can consider Turbo Chemtank for easier approach.

In conclusion, after various buffs, Anivia is a good choice for Bot Lane position and also suitable with Poppy Support. You should find a friend and practice your combo E – W right away and enjoy bringing nightmares to your opponents.

You can read more Broken build here.