Cassiopeia Guide: How to be a Powerful Hyper-Carry

Cassiopeia is one of the great picks for players who love to play a late-game Mage, she is also pretty flexible with lots of Korean Players choose her to play as Top, Mid, and Bot Laner.

Cassiopeia Build

Cassiopeia can be built in 2 ways:

Her item build: Usually, her core items are Seraph’s Embrace, Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, Liandry’s Torment, and Zhonya’s Hourglass. The other two should be flexible depending on the situation.

Tips and Tricks

Noxious Blast and Twin Fang (Q + E)

You don’t need to wait for your target to be poisoned to Twin Fang, as soon as your Noxious Blast seems to surely hit the target, send out your Twin Fang, it will still deal bonus damage and heal you. During the duration of one Noxious Blast, you can cast Twin Fang on affected targets 4 times, but with just 20% cooldown reduction, you can hit it 5 times and take down a squishy target pretty early in the game. By the way, Twin Fang amplified traits will also be there if you cast it on opponents under the effects of other Champions’ poisons (Singed, Twitch, Teemo).

Combos with Flash

Flash – Petrifying Gaze is a pretty sick combo and a lot of Cassiopeia players use it, but do you know if you do it right, Petrifying Gaze – Flash is much faster than the good old Flash – Petrifying Gaze, in many cases, enemies won’t be able to react, plus you can perform it out of their sight. And you can also cast this combo backward, making it a deadly moonwalk for the enemies facing the opposite side to yours from behind. Shares many traits with Petrifying Gaze, Flash – Miasma is also a lot faster than Miasma-Flash.


Miasma is as powerful as it is unique, one of the reasons why people prefer Cassiopeia. When you hit your enemies with Miasma, even Flash can’t save them.

It’s a good way to start a combo too. You can trick opponents by casting Miasma a little bit behind them ( better still hit them ) and they will almost surely move toward you, now you just need to smash that Ultimate button, and if they don’t want to move look at your face and start running away, Miasma is there and other combos will kick their butts. And enemies don’t need to look directly at Cassiopeia to be stunned, Petrifying Gaze stuns her enemies if their front-halves are oblique to her. If your enemies are standing near a wall, Miasma can trap them between that wall and a very very angry snake.

Petrifying Gaze

Champions in League love dashing, but not toward Cassiopeia, assuming Miasma hasn’t blocked their abilities, dash toward means face toward, with Petrifying Gaze off cooldown, no enemies would dare to dash toward you and if they do, they pay, in LPs.

Cassiopeia with any friendly Champions who can knock back enemies is a good team comp. When enemies are knocked back toward you, Petrifying Gaze will stun them, no matter which direction they are facing. If you manage to press R right before an ability that can stun or silence you hits you, Petrifying Gaze will still be cast, and most of the time, in the face of the caster of that ability.

If you miss the stun in teamfights, don’t be afraid folks, sometimes the slow and the damage will do the trick.

Pun1sher – One of the best Cassiopei Players in the world.

Cassiopeia Game Flow

Early game

If the enemy laner’s willing to all in at level 1, a loop of Twin fang – Auto attack – Twin fang until Conqueror pops up is very strong.

Getting creep with just Twin Fang is much easier, and if you do it right, you lose no mana at all. If the minion’s health is slightly too much for Twin Fang to handle, an auto-attack before you cast Twin fang will do the trick.

Unlike minions, champions are beefier, Twin Fang won’t deal much damage on a non-poisoned target, that is when Noxious Blast comes and plays it’s part.

Like most poking abilities in the game, Noxious Blast is much easier to land on enemy Champions when they are trying to last hit, keep an eye on friendly minions’ health, and Noxious Blast – Twin Fang will shred your enemies.

Mid game

Now you have the mana you have always needed, let’s take a look at your most powerful combo: Q – Infinite E, if your 5 enemies are not dead yet and trying to run to their mommies, Miasma to stop them and then… press E.

When Twin Fang is maxed out, you are the Queen of damage.


You are extremely strong now, but remember, you are not a nuker, you are sort of a Marksman. For every second you survive in the team fights, you are a noticeable threat to every single enemy.


A sustainable damage dealer is essential to the team’s victory, there are so many choices in the game, each offers unique traits to make your road to victory easier, but not Cassiopeia, she is all about the damage, the big, huge, enormous damage output while CC the enemies so that she herself can cut them into pieces.

Now, will you climb even further in Ranked with Cassiopeia, the Serpent’s Embrace? We had also covered Shen, Nunu, and Twisted Fate.