Champions Queue and Solo Queue is still dead ahead of Worlds 2022

The goal of the invite-only League of Legends server Champions Queue was to create a competitive atmosphere for both professional players and up-and-coming pro players that was akin to an e-house. Champions Queue’s first introduction on February 7 was a resounding failure due to the high number of trolls, griefers, and fury quitters. Riot Games is bringing back Champions Queue for Worlds 2022 despite its disastrous start. Nemesis is the last person to ruthlessly dissect the reasons why Champions Queue is doomed, despite the fact that it was initially a wonderful marketing strategy.

Nemesis – “Champions Queue is A Failure”

Nemesis delves deeply into the reasons why Champions Queue is a failure in the YouTube video titled “Champions Queue is a Failure.”

The invitation bias, which refers to the fact that Riot invites individuals that are more to their liking rather than actual professional players, is the first problem he raises. He also describes how Caedrel and his invitation to join the queue was withdrawn because they weren’t on the Worlds roster’s current roster.

Additionally, despite the fact that one-trick horses are prohibited by the rules from participating in Champions Queue, low-ranked one-tricks are actually permitted. Inevitably, this will result in low-quality matches and pro players quitting the Champions Queue altogether.

In addition, Nemesis believes that Champions Queue will only be marginally successful during Worlds 2022 and that, overall, Riot’s decision to reject prominent broadcasters like imaqtpie, Sanchovies, Shiptur, and Caedrel means that the program will be a disaster.

Pobelter – “I just feel miserable most of the time after playing”

Professional League of Legends player Eugene “Pobelter” Park is most known for his work with Team Liquid and Counter Logic Gaming. He’s destined to play solo queue frequently till the conclusion of his professional career, just like every other pro player, in order to uphold the previously established requirements of obtaining at least Diamond each season, staying up to date with the meta, and ultimately practicing more. Although the arduous climb is a necessary part of the job, Pobelter expressed his opinion on the solo queue.

Despite the fact that wintrading and toxicity are the two biggest issues with solo queues, Pobelter also calls our attention to the fact that betting services that let you wager on particular broadcasters have quickly made the situation worse.

Then he acknowledges that Riot Games has made some attempts to repair solo queue, but that it is unlikely that the game will ever reach its peak. Where is any attempt at moderation or to make things better, for example? “I suppose I’m gradually coming to terms with the fact that the solo queue as I previously knew it is simply dead and gone; everyone is just constantly angry and agitated,” he stated.