Champions that lost their standing in Patch 10.25

The effectiveness of these champions have somehow gone down in Patch 10.25.

The Pre-Season 2021 update brought a lot of equipment tweaks. Due to too many champions taking good advantage of these new items, a few names have stood out. In this 10.25 update, Riot has decided to nerf a few overpowered champions.


Credit: Riot Games

In the Pre-Season update, Kayle’s various core equipment like the Hextech Gunblade or Nashor’s Tooth has been deleted by Riot. They even have to buff her in the Pre-Season in compensation for this.
Though this champion is not overpowered like in the previous updates, her new builds still help her find her place in this update. This version’s Kayle benefits quite a lot from offensive equipment. The Righteous can also get the ADC Mythic items to boost her own damage.
This version’s Kayle lost 4 basic magic resist, as well as a 5% decrease in E’s AD ratio. This change might not be much, but Kayle has lost some of her strength.


Credit: Riot Games

Last season’s Samira was fairly powerful, and in this season, she’s even stronger thanks to the new Mythic item Immortal Shieldbow.
That item provides enormous defense capabilities, and its health drain ability is completely compatible with Samira’s ultimate as well as her strong damage-stacking skills. Thanks to this health drain attribute, all of Samira’s skills have been tweaked with regards to health draining.
The critical health drain damage for both Q and R has been lowered from 100% to 66.6%, making Samira not so unbeatable anymore, especially in duels with other AD champions.


Credit: Riot Games

Jhin is a champion that utilizes the Pre-Season’s critical items well. Besides his critical build like the last updates, Jhin can perfectly choose to builds towards Lethality with the Mythic item Eclipse. This item grants Jhin amazing armor penetration, which works well with his later critical equipment.
This version’s Jhin has had his Q’s damage nerfed by 10%, slowing down his minion clearing ability. His lane phase will also be difficult unless there are early first-bloods.


Kayn is currently the king of the jungle in this version. Either transformed into red or blue, he is a menace to his opponents. Equipments such as Goredrinker or Duskblade of Darktharr are compatible with this champion, making him extremely annoying in fights. He has over-performed all other jungle champions in patch 10.24.
Kayn hasn’t been horribly nerfed by Riot. His Q’s basic damage lost 10 AD and the cooldown per level has been increased by 1 second. Perhaps Riot hopes to see this champion more in the upcoming season’s tournaments. Kayn had received a hot-fix in Patch 10.25b for this huge nerf from Riot, he is now still on the watch list for more upcoming changes.