Crazy interaction that resets Yone’s entire ability?

Players were shocked to find out the secret interaction that reset all of Yone’s skills

Ever since his debut, Yone has always been a champion that has received a lot of praise from many League players, as much as Yasuo has. He is a champion that carries all demands to easily 1vs5 and carry the entire game.

However, due to his high skillset and hard-to-master playstyle, his win rate isn’t always too high. As a result, Yone is in a pretty balanced condition, and Riot Games does not need to buff or nerf him.

Yet, players have found out that Riot secretly applied some incredibly powerful and weird interaction to him. According to the video above, on the PBE server, when Yone gets a Pentakill, he will perform a stunning sword animation. Comes after the animation is the reset of his entire skill set, including his Ultimate. It’s worth noting that you won’t be able to move while he is in the middle of the animation.

Right after the animation, all of Yone’s skills are reset

On top of that, the animation also makes you invulnerable to damage (except for fountain damage).

Of course, there are several opposing viewpoints in the League community on Riot Games’ latest “feature.” For the fans, this is an exceedingly cool animation that is appropriate for a swordsman like Yone. Some critics argue that animation is not necessary. Furthermore, the addition of a new feature to the game might result in many unpleasant errors or bugs.

Image via Riot Games

All in all, this new feature is currently being tested on the PBE server and is unlikely to be added to the live server. Riot will have lots of time to decide whether to announce it or not. If they truly intend to employ it in into the game, they must guarantee that it does not produce bugs or negatively impact the player’s experience.