Crying of complaint, a Teemo-lover streamer received furious objections from the community

A streamer specializing in using Teemo whose nickname “Nubrac” got a 14-day ban for “intentional defeats”.

LoL is an Esport game with a large number of champions, items, and runes. As a result, this is the place for players to promote their creativity by creating unique playstyles on their own. There was a time when Xin Zhao or Twitch was buffed on their AP ratio and a lot of players started using AP items on them.

However, the boundary between “creative” and trolling” is extremely precarious. Recently, Nubrac – a streamer being famous for his outstanding Teemo performances – has been prohibited for 14 days because of his negative in-game attitude. The reason for this ban was that in a match, he picked Teemo, took Smite and everything he did in that game was roaming! After receiving the explaining email from Riot Games, Nubrac claimed that he was innocent and that ban was completely nonsense.

Nevertheless, the community seemed to be disapproval of him. Some of them on Reddit even accused him of ruining loads of games in solo queues and that prohibition was totally reasonable. Some even said he needed a perma ban.

His complaint has received a lot of furious objections from the community

If we have a look at the games having similar gameplays to the above one, we really need to have respect for his allies. He honestly did not earn any advantages for his team but made them mad. As Teemo support, he crashed all the waves on solo lanes and ignored his ADC. The consequence for this was being slain continuingly and made the match worse and worse.

He usually “takes care of” his teammates like these…

Because of these reasons, this streamer has been reported and finally received a temporary ban. Creating a new playstyle is always welcomed, but annoying your teammates with it is obviously inexcusable.