Despite nerfs, Rek’Sai emerges in Jungle patch 12.19

Rek’Sai has been in a strong position for more than five patches at this point, which is no secret. Riot Games has mustered the confidence to weaken the real void queen in League of Legends Patch 12.19, focusing on her base AD and jungle clear speed. Despite having her base attack damage drop from 64 to 61, Rek’Sai continues to rule Summoner’s Rift.

Contrary to popular assumption, Rek’Sai’s win rate increased following the nerfs in Platinum and above games, from 52.35 to 53.19 percent. (According to U.GG)

Rek’Sai’s victory rate increased by 0.84 percent, although we are still unsure of the specific cause, we think her pick rate is to blame. Rek’Sai had a pick rate of 3.8 percent and a ban rate of 8.2 percent during Patch 12.18, but those numbers dropped to 2.9 percent and 6.8 percent, respectively, in Patch 12.19.

In other words, the League community likely thinks that she was severely affected by the recent nerfs, which caused her pick rate to drastically decrease. She was thus placed in the care of mains and knowledgeable players who understand how to make the most of the champion.

Since these nerfs were simply a light slap on the wrist, if this pattern persists, we may anticipate that Rek’Sai’s victory rate may increase even further.